Opposite Ways

Flashy shared his assignment to Pablo and the Duke he had to kill was the same Duke whose son Pablo had killed in the first test.

Draxus knew that as well. Pablo had told him about it himself.

"Jack Kaiser is bothering the Military, huh. Well, Flashy, you really have to kill him." Pablo said.

"You suddenly became serious about this. Why is that?" Flashy asked.

"It was me who killed his son. He was the same big guy who can make his hands turn in weapons." Pablo revealed.

"Of course. You killed the children of a Noble so killing the son of a Duke is also understandable." Flashy didn't overreact. He accepted Pablo's nature.

Pablo shrugged. "It was a Battle Royale. I had to kill him."

"Yeah. So now tell me how I should deal with this Duke?"

"He has a ten year old son as well, right?"

"Yes. But don't tell me to keep him hostage and threaten the Duke. That will not seem like an accident."