
Lord Bitter was waiting for his supplier to give him slaves for a long time and now that Pablo had killed the supplier and took his slaves, Lord Bitter won't get any slaves.

And when the guards would tell him that his supplier, who the guards think is Pablo, had come with a slave but because of Lord Jartel that slave became useless, Lord Bitter would direct all his anger to Jartel. And the power of horny is always the strongest.

So, the fat man, Jartel, will die by the hands of Lord Bitter.

"It will be Bitter who kills him but the real killer is me." Pablo was in a good mood.

'All he did was to hold Sera's hands and you made a plan for his death. Why are you like this?' Cupid asked.

'I made no plans for his death. It just happened. The guards mistook me for someone else and we are here. And I am not doing it because he held Sera's hands.