Fire Brigade Level 100

The White Mist was hovering in the air now that its plastic bottle had melted away.

But Pablo kept his finger on the hovering mist and he also said he always liked to play with fire.

"How can you say such a thing with a smile in this situation?" Sera said. She was worried about Pablo's hand getting burned.

"There is no use being a bitch about it. I asked for it and I am doing great. Andre will heal me anyway."

Pablo was calm and he had faced enough things to be worried about some fire on his hand.

The black glove was burning well enough and the good thing was, it was not getting destroyed by the fire. Pablo had made something indestructible.

'I will make a weapon out of this thing.' He made a mental note for the future.

"Keep the note of time and when it's ten minutes, tell me. I have to distinguish between the pain of the fire and the mist."

Pablo closed his eyes again and concentrated on his finger.