The Cannibal who attacked Pablo died with his own sword.
The man fell on the ground, dead.
"Describe him." Pablo said. "It's my first time meeting a Cannibal. I have to know what they look like."
"They are just like Humans. They have strange markings over their bodies and their skin is reddish because of their diet." Andrezj answered.
"I wanted to tell him!" Cupid retorted.
"Next time." Andrezj replied. He only said that just to end the topic with her.
"Alright. Thanks for that."
Pablo moved forward.
He was now in the midst of the fighting and surprisingly, no one was using their Egoes.
They were only fighting with their weapons.
"Ego consumes stamina. People use it when necessary." Andrezj answered.
Pablo gave an appreciative nod to the Angel.
Andrezj figured what Pablo was thinking without even him asking anything.