No Buildup

"Magma Incineration."

Such were the words of the Supreme Leader and they certainly weren't empty.

The bright red hand of the man spewed out flaming hot magma and it covered the Demon from head to toe.

The soldiers attacking the Demon were afraid to touch it, afraid they might get burned.

"It will only harm this beast. You all keep attacking!" The supreme leader assured everyone.

They weren't afraid of magma anymore as they carried on their onslaught on the Demon.

The magma covered the entire body of the Demon and the ground below him melted as well.

The Demon kept getting deeper on the ground.

"I won't stop the magma as long as he isn't dead. Give it your all!"

The Supreme leader poured nonstop magma on the Being and the Demon's skin wasn't even visible now.

And the good part was, there were more to come.

"You are doing good, Hoover."

A man remarked and arrived beside the Supreme Leader.