Too Crowded

Pablo made up his mind.

The Demon would die by his hands. No matter what.

But for now, the Demon had the upper hand and that hand was on Pablo's neck.

"Where did he go?"

"Did he go for the King?"

"He will kill the King!"

Tank and the soldiers panicked.

The Demon suddenly vanished while playing tag (as he called it) and the only logical answer was that he went after the King.

But they all were proved wrong instantly.

"I am here."

Everyone heard the Demon's voice and they all looked in the sky.

The Demon was hovering in the air and everyone could only look at him.

There were some people who could fly but they didn't dare to share the same sky with the Demon.

They all stared at the Demon and soon they noticed something.

"Is that a person?"

"He is holding a man?"

"Who is it?"

The Demon held someone on his right hand and it wasn't clearly visible who it was.