I Hope

The Demon punched Rower.

The high Duke flew miles away and everyone else scattered apart from the Demon.

"Do something, Pablo!" The King cried.

'Yes. You are the only one who can fight him.' Cupid also spoke.

Pablo and the King were side by side and the King pleaded more :

"Why did you make me stamp the papers? What do you want? Just do something."

"Do you remember the time when I said we'll see who is a bigger scum between us?" Pablo asked.

"Yes. What about it?"

"Well," Pablo smiled. "I won."

"Yes. You won! Now do something!" The King shouted.

Everyone heard his shout, even the people watching their screens.

"Nothing is working against that beast. What can he even do?" Jamal retorted.

All of them were constantly stepping backwards while the Demon stepped closer to them. He wasn't in a hurry.

"Come on, use your mind. There must be some way!" Boulder asked for help as well.