Enough People

Damascus stopped time.

Everyone in the basement came to a stand still and Damascus jumped at Draxus.

Or atleast he tried to.


One more snap of fingers rang out in the room and it wasn't from Damascus.

The next moment, every thing started moving again.

Time resumed again.

"What!?" Damascus exclaimed.

"I wasn't done talking." Pablo spoke.

"You overrided my Ego?"

"Don't use such words. But yeah, I did that. You may be the King but I couldn't care less."

"You bastard!" Damascus cursed at the top of his lungs as that was all he could do.

Pablo sighed.

Only Damascus and Pablo knew what took place few seconds ago and Draxus, the King, and Hustler was clueless.

"So what now, Czar?"

"Why did you call me here?"

"How did you know all this?"

Draxus, Hustler and Damascus all asked their own questions.