
Pablo threw Rural in the same flames that he had created himself.

The King and Pablo watched Rural's dead body getting burned and a crowd was gathering around as well.



Cries came out from the fire and they fell on deaf ears of Pablo and the King.

"He died because of his Ego?" The King asked.

"Yes. I don't want people to know that I ordered the death of most of the Royals. He was a witness so I killed him."

The King wiped his sweat from his forehead. He finally understood the depth of malevolence.

Pablo killed someone who had nothing to do with him.

Rural was just a guard. He wasn't against Pablo. Pablo didn't hate him as well. But he still killed the guard just because he followed Pablo's orders.

So, if Pablo could burn someone whom he had nothing to do with, then what would he do with someone whom he knew well.