Family and School

(In the last chapter, the man with Kazuki is his father, Kenji. I apologize for not mentioning him in the last chapter.)

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the curtains, Keiko sat at the kitchen table, a gentle smile on her face as she flipped through a magazine. The aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air, signaling that dinner was ready. She glanced at the clock and realized that Kenji andKazuki should be home soon.

Just then, the sound of the front door opening made her look up Kazuki and kenji walked in. Keiko greeted him with a warm smile. "Welcome home dear, Kazuki. How was your day?"

Kazuki smiled back. "It was good, Mom. We went to different places, then we ate and went to a park to play catch."

"That sounds lovely," Keiko said, pleased


"Hey, Kazuki, don't tell me you forgot about that guy," Kenji asked.

"Which boy, honey?"

"A kid named Narumia. We happened to meet him while we were playing."

"But he is arrogant," Kazuki said.

"Oh dear, this is the first time I've seen you interested in someone."

"I'm not that interested."


Looking at Kazuki's embarrassed face, both Kenji and Keiko laughed.

"Well, come and sit down. Dinner is ready."

As they sat at the table, enjoying the meal together, Keiko asked Kazuki about his day, listening attentively as he recounted his adventures at school. After dinner, as Kazuki was about to head to his room, Keiko called out, "Kazuki, don't forget to wash up before bed."

"Okay, Mom," Kazuki replied, heading to the bathroom.

Keiko watched him go, feeling grateful for these simple moments of togetherness.

As Kazuki lay in bed, the image of Narumia's pitching replayed in his mind. He had never seen someone throw a baseball with such skill and precision. Despite Narumia's arrogant demeanor, Kazuki couldn't help but admire his talent.

However, as the pitching progressed, Narumia's behavior began to bother him. His taunts and boastful attitude grated on Kazuki's nerves, making him question his initial admiration.

Yet, despite Narumia's childish behavior, Kazuki couldn't deny the thrill of catching his pitches. Each throw was a challenge, a test of his reflexes and determination. As he drifted off to sleep, Kazuki couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring. Would he have another chance to play with Narumia?.

I next day early morning, It was Kazuki's first day at elementary school, and Keiko wanted everything to go smoothly. She set her alarm early to ensure they had enough time to get ready. However, when she went to wake up Kazuki, she found him still fast asleep.

"Kazuki, wake up! You're going to be late for school," Keiko called out, gently shaking him.

Kazuki groggily opened his eyes, realizing he had overslept. He quickly got out of bed and rushed to get ready. Keiko helped him pack his bag and prepare his breakfast as fast as she could.

As they hurried out the door, Keiko gave Kazuki a quick kiss on the forehead. "Have a great day at school, Kazuki. And remember, don't be late tomorrow!"

Kazuki nodded, still a bit sleepy but grateful for his mom's help. He promised himself he would set his own alarm tomorrow to avoid being late again.

Kazuki went to futaba elementary School in Tokyo. As he entered his classroom, all eyes turned to him. The teacher introduced him to the class, and he said, "Hello, my name is Kazuki. Nice to meet you all."

As Kazuki settled into his seat, a girl named Ayaka came up to him. "Hi, Kazuki! I'm Ayaka. Do you want to sit together?" she asked with a smile. Kazuki nodded, grateful for the friendly gesture.

Throughout the day, Ayaka stuck by Kazuki's side, showing him around the school and helping him feel more comfortable.

However, as the day progressed, he found himself feeling a bit bored during some of the classes, as they were mostly introductory and administrative.

During lunchtime, Kazuki sat with ayaka ,After lunch, he returned to class for more lessons, which he found to be more interesting as they involved group activities and interactions with other students.

After school, Kazuki walked home with a mix of relief and exhaustion. He couldn't wait to tell his mom about his day. As soon as he entered the house, he called out, "Mom, I'm home!"

His mom greeted him warmly and asked, "How was your first day?"

Kazuki replied, "It was good, but a bit boring at times. I met a girl named Ayaka. She sits near me in class, and she helped me see around the school," Kazuki excitedly shared with his mom as they sat down for dinner.

"That's wonderful, Kazuki! It's great to hear that you're making new friends and exploring your new school. Did you two get along well?" his mom asked, smiling warmly.

"Yes, she's really nice. We talked a lot during lunch break, and she even showed me the library. I think we're going to be good friends," Kazuki replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I'm glad to hear that, Kazuki. Making new friends is an important part of school. Just remember to be kind and respectful to everyone you meet," his mom advised, proud of her son for his openness to new experiences.

"I will, Mom."