07 - 2021

I've slept through the day. I never drink, but maybe that's because I've trained myself to say no whenever Zyra invites me to a party. And for good reason too. Just look at yesterday. She guilt tripped me into attending the after-party, and now I'm going to have to spend a week treating hangover headaches. If I didn't love that girl so much, I don't know what I'd do to her. Yeah, so back to the whole journey thing. Well, I finally got over my murderous thoughts and paid attention to what the newscaster was saying.

For the millionth time in only a few weeks, tears began to run down my face. But this time, I wasn't crying in pain, you know. It was actual joy. So apparently, the entire systems of Fox Den Interplanetary were down. They had been working on the time-travel project that had become so popular when it blew up in their faces. Literally. System failure. The entire unit exploded and caught on fire. Almost burned down the whole building. Boy, was karma a crazy dog.

Hearing what happened to them and how they were likely going to abandon the project got me going again. It was difficult on two levels, I remember. First, I still had to look for investors, despite the fiasco that happened the last time I did. Getting over the fear and wariness that had aroused in me was a big job. Zyra and a few other friends had given me quite a lot of pep talks back then.

The second hurdle I had to cross was external this time. The failure of the Dalton Fox Project at Fox Den Interplanetary became such big news, when I told the potential investors I met with what I was working on, they just laughed in my face.


It took more weeks, trying to still get some work done despite the limits I had with funding. Finally, I got so desperate, I began to do something I never thought I'd resort to. My short stories, many of the ones I'd been writing at that time, well, I began to submit them to magazines.

I'd write stories with me as the central character in different scenarios and then email them to editors of magazines, earn some money. It was still much too little though, and there was only so much I could do without money, and then I just to keep searching for someone to invest in the project.

Finally, I got in contact with someone who told me they would get back to me. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting much, but only a few days later I received communication for a net meeting. Apparently, this person who was interested in my work did not live on the LSS like I did. When I tried to contact them with the details that I got, all I got were "mail daemon" error messages. I tried and tried to call and text, but I got no response.

Until the next week, that was. The week I got a text message that called me a fraud for stealing the idea of whoever sent it. The next few days were pretty horrible. I lost about half of the money in my bank account. Not that I had so much there, but now it was barely enough to live on. They kept taking out a little by little around the same time every week and funneling it to another account.

When I went to complain at my bank they told me my account had been hacked. It was pretty horrible, realizing that my account wasn't safe anymore. I finally got a new one at another bank. The next message I received arrived in my email. I took the case to the Lunar law enforcement. The person who sent them said I was a fraud who had a pipe dream, and that I should give up.

I felt so unsafe in my lab after I received threatening letters in my mailbox. I told dad I was moving back into the house. Not that I had ever officially left, actually. I just got tired of hearing him saying that I've put my life on hold to chase after something that would never happen.


I can't recall how many times dad harped on about me being out of college and unmarried, living in his house. And okay, maybe some of my guy friends asked me out, but I was really too busy to date anyone. It was better to just hold them off and remain friends than to accept someone's invitation only for them to later discover they weren't the one for me.

My headache's coming back big time right now. Guess I'll continue writing later, once I've slept a bit.