Adeline's head hit the floor hard enough to leave her disoriented for a couple of seconds. 

"No, please, please let go. Don't do it. Please, I beg you." She had no other choice but to begin begging the beta. 

She'd rather die than have this beta mark her. She would kill herself were he to succeed. 

But the beta wasn't listening. He couldn't care less. All he wanted was to mark her, and there was nothing to stop him. 

"Please, stop," Adeline pleaded, dazedly. 

The beta let go of her ankle and knelt on the floor, his legs straddling her in place. He placed a hand next to her head and gripped her by the jaw, forcing her head to the left, so he could expose her mating gland even better. 

"Though all bloody and a mess, I'll still mark you either way. I don't need you all fresh and pretty." A predatory smirk was painted all over his face.