
(Asaka Point of View)

I face away from her. I see the time and I start making lunch for the three of us. I can't face the fact that he could get killed because of me. He is mine. I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe. I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe and happy. Wait. Shit. I am pushing Frey away. I can't. I can't be like our parents. I need to apologize to them. I pause making the sandwiches. I look over at Frey but they aren't in the room. I can apologize later. I should have asked before telling my darling, plus I should give them a break. I go back to making lunch. Once I am done with the sandwiches, I grab some berries and I put them on the plates. I hope my darling likes it. I know Frey is. After all, they make sure that there are things here that they like as they are a picky eater. I grab the three plates and I walk out to them. They both seem to be getting along; that's good. I smile at them. 

"Good to see you two are getting along. I made us lunch."

My darling looks at me as he smiles back. "Thank you baby."

"You're we-" Wait, what did he call me? Did he call me baby? Why did he call me baby? Does he like me back? Am I his type? I hear Frey giggling. I look over at them.

"You did this, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. Now let's eat." They smile. I roll my eyes as I set down the plates. As I go to sit down, my darling speaks.

"I'm sorry about that. Frey said that I should since you call me darling."

I look over at him and I can see his face is bright red as he looks down at the ground. He is so cute. He must be so embarrassed. I just want to pull him onto my lap as I hold him close, but I won't. Not yet. I can't scare him off. "It's fine darling. You just caught me off guard. You can keep calling me baby if you want, I won't mind." His face becomes more red. That might have been a little far, after all he does get embarrassed easily around me. He is cute. "You don't have to, I just thought that it would fit since I call you darling." I smile at him. "Why don't you start eating darling?"

He nods his head as he starts eating. He looks so adorable. I start eating myself. I hear Frey chuckling to themself as they eat. What are they laughing at? Is it from how I acted? I just want to keep him for myself. I don't see a problem with that. I keep eating. Once we are all done, my darling starts cleaning up when I stop him.

"Darling. Let me do it. You don't need to."

He looks up at me. "Are you sure? I want to help out. After all, you did make lunch."

I smile at him. I love how thoughtful he is. I wonder if he is alway like this, no matter the situation. I wonder if he would put his pleasures to the side for me. No. Don't think that. Focus right now. "Yes, I am sure. I will take care of everything." 

I grab the plates and I put them in the sink. I will need to clean up soon. Whenever I can give myself a break I can clean my entire place. After all, if I am going back to working two full time jobs I will need to. What will I do with my cutie? I shouldn't leave him home alone. I could work the night shift with police and work more from home with the mafia. I don't know how well that would work. Wait. Why don't I do it the other way? I have been working as a home police officer before and then I can deal with my mafia during the night time and just say that I have the night shift. He should be asleep and it will work with me being up late so my story will stay together. Perfect. Now I just need Frey to follow along with this plan and everything should work. 

I head back into the living room. I sit down on the couch. "How about we watch a movie together?"

"We should watch a horror movie." Frey seems happy with that. Why a horror movie?

"Alright. You can choose."

I hand them the remote. They look through the movie before as they mumble to themselves about finding something really scary and gory. Why? What has them in the sudden mood for a horror movie? Nonetheless one that might scare them. Do they want to be scared really badly or are they just testing new horror movies out. I know for a while all they would watch was horror movies but I thought they were over that. I guess they weren't.