
(Asaka Point of View)

I smile to myself as I go to check on the food and hide my bloody hands from my darling. I'm glad that he believed me. I mean, it's not like I lied but still. I grind up the meats together as I pull up the instructions again. I read off everything that I will need when putting it together. I do have everything so it should be easy to make. I just hope I don't mess this up. 

"I think I hear something so I am going to look." He did? I didn't hear anything. Nothing should have gotten in. What if he doesn't want to talk with me? Did I do something wrong? Is he doubting his decision?

"Are you sure? I thought you wanted to talk."

"I do but I want to see what I heard."

"Alright. You can go do that."

Why did I let him walk away? I should have tried more to get him to stay. I want him to stay with me so much. Why do I crave his attention and him being near me so much? If I keep thinking about this, I won't be able to stop myself from doing something stupid. But he would look so nice tied up and under my control, especially if he wasn't wearing so much. No. Stop it. I can't think about these things. He would hate me. I need his love. Why do I crave it so much? I want his attention so bad. I really want to just keep him here. Rope would keep him and he won't need to wear clothes if I am there to keep him warm.

I should go back to cooking and stop thinking about tying him down on my bed. I hear some noises. I wonder what my darling is doing. I look down at the food and I see that the meat is about halfway done. I mix it all up and grind it all down before going into the living room. I don't see him anywhere. Did he actually hear something? If someone got in I might just need to kill them. I can't risk anyone revealing anything to my darling or taking him away. I am far enough away from others so I shouldn't have to worry about that and none of my men would come without asking. He could have just had to use the bathroom. I should just get back to cooking. I head back into the kitchen and I go back to cooking.

After about half an hour, dinner looks done. I make two bowls and I put them on the table. I really hope I made it right and that he likes it. I wonder if he likes people that can cook. If he does then hopefully this earns me his heart. I look into the hallway.

"Darling. Dinner."

It takes him a minute but I soon see him. His face is red. Did he see something? Or was he working out? Or did he get sick? If he did I could take care of him.

"Your face is red. Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I think I found what I heard but it's fast." So he did find something. What got in? 

"Did you check it?"

"Kind of. I have it in one of the bathrooms because it ran in." So he trapped it. I don't hear any banging so it most likely isn't human.

"How about we eat and then we can go together to see what it is?"

"That works out. We can do that."

We both sit down. I take a bite. It's good. I hope my darling thinks the same thing. I look over at him and he is just staring. Does he not like it? Did I do something wrong? Does he not like something I put in it? Why is he just staring at the bowl? 

"Is everything alright?" I try to hide how scared I am for his answer.

He looks up at me as he speaks, "Yes, everything is. This just looks familiar." 

"I did look up Slovenian recipes and I found this. I had all of the ingredients so I made it." Hopefully, he doesn't think that's weird.

He looks back down at the food and after what feels like hours, he finally takes a bite. "It's good. Thank you." Good, he likes it. I can make it more then. I will need to get more pork. I will grab some more later.

When we are both done eating, I go to clean up but my cutie keeps trying to help me. I don't want him to do anything. I want to do everything for him. I do eventually give in and let him help me because of how cute he looks when he asks to let me help me. I just can't say no when he looks so cute. It makes me almost hate myself for wishing I could kidnap him and just stare at how cute he looks when he asks me for things.

Once we are all cleaned up, we head to the bathroom he has the thing in.

"How about this, you go in and I will stay here just in case it tries to run away, okay?" After all, I don't want him hurt, just in case if it tries anything but from what he has said, it will try to run first.

"Alright. That should work."

I see him pause for a second before he opens the door and walks in. I see something trying to leave so I can grab it. I pick it up and it's a kitten. And it looks like it just used the bathroom. I'm not cleaning that up. It does have a dick so it's a he. 

"I got it or he from the looks of it."

I watch him exit the bathroom as he looks at me and the kitten.

"That is what I was chasing. I feel like we should take him to the vet." He seems to care about the kitten. I wonder if he had a pet when he was a kid. 

"We can go now. After all, we have everything taken care of and there is a 24-hour vet clinic not super far away."

"Let's go to that but first, we should clean him up. He is dirty." He really does want to take care of it. I guess we can keep it as a pet. If he has an owner, I could kill them. 

"Can you do that?"

"I can."

As he goes back in to clean the kitten up and I search the bathroom for poop, which I find. I clean it up and throw it away. I make sure that I clean it all up. I should call someone to get things for the kitten. I stand up off of the ground as I look over at my darling. I see the kitten scratching at his skin. He should be hurting my darling. I need to stay calm. I can't hurt a kitten. I mean I could but I won't. I need to calm down. 

I keep watching as my darling is so careful with the kitten. I could never be like that. I should but I can't. I'm glad that he is doing that. Once he is done I am still looking at his arms. They don't look bad but he is still hurt. I look at the kitten. He hurt my darling. I do need to be calm about this. I hate seeing my love hurt. The kitten isn't hurting him anymore which is good.

"What happened?"

"He just didn't like the water very much at first."

"I can see that. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am. If you take the kitten, I can wrap myself up."

I take the kitten so my darling can wrap his arms up. The kitten doesn't look like it would hurt anyone. I guess he could have been scared. He still hurt my cutie but as long as he makes my love happy, I can't be mad. When my darling is done wrapping his arms, he takes the kitten back. I guess he really does like the little thing. I should try to get along with it then.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am."

"Are you in a lot of pain?"

"No, it wasn't deep." 

I'm glad that he isn't hurt now. It didn't look deep nor was it bleeding so I can believe him. I shouldn't doubt him. He is my love, my darling, my cutie. I should trust him. I nod my head a little bit before we head out into the car. He sits down in the passenger seat with the kitten in his lap. I get into the driver's seat and I start the car.