No Escape (1)

"Hey?" Trinity is startled by the sudden, but gentle voice which drags her back to reality. She feels a hand stroke her cheek and wipe away a few tears; she didn't even realize she was crying.

She places her hand atop the young woman's soft, tan knuckles and smiles at her as she stares into her sharp auburn eyes. "Sophia…I'm sorry. I was probably zoning out again, wasn't I?"

"You weren't just zoning out; you were literally out of this world! I called you like ten times in the last five minutes and it's like you weren't hearing me at all. I was starting to get worried."

Trinity feels a tightening in her chest. Sophia's genuine concern for her is nothing new, since she's been worrying for her over the last six months they've known each other. However, since no one ever worries for her other than Shi, she can't help but feel overwhelmed every time.

"Hey, stay with me Trini." She pulls her face close and brushes her lips against hers. "We already have such limited time together. I don't want to waste a minute. Stay, mi amor."

Their lips finally connect, and Trinity can feel fresh tears pooling, this time due to the pure happiness she's feeling. When she's with Sophia, for a time, the world is still beautiful. She is too, so very beautiful. Trinity knew it the moment their eyes met on that hot summer day.

 Her long honey curls shimmering, even in the grey. Her strong, toned arms lifting her bags into the car effortlessly, despite her thin frame. Her wide, sparkling smile and angelic laugh. It was all so beautiful; Trinity is sure she fell in love on the spot. Yet she couldn't dare. So, she pushed it down until Sophia felt it too and pulled it out from the depths of her heart. It took three months, but finally their hearts aligned and now neither is willing to let it go, complicated as it may be.

Sophia reclines the driver's seat, causing Trinity to be lowered down flat and hiding them from view. She removes her top, then Trinity's, before returning her lips to their favorite place. She recalls when even such a slight gesture would send Trinity into a panic, her mind recalling the terrors only she could know. But over time Sophia was able to become a safe space and now she's become a purifier of sorts, to wash away the filth and pain of that terrifying monster.

Trinity clings to Sophia desperately, as she allows her to remove her clothes and do as she please with her body. Sophia graciously accepts her generosity and kisses her from her neck down.

She's careful to be soft, holding her like she's a fragile treasure, which of course she is to her. She can feel her shiver beneath her slightly, but she knows it's from pleasure, not fear. Licking her fingers, she carefully inserts a couple, Trinity's body immediately reacting and clamping down. A residual effect no doubt, but soon she relaxes and squeezes her arms tighter around Sophia, indicating that she's feeling good and wants more. She happily obliges her with passion.

Sophia's touch, gentle as it was, used to trigger Trinity's anxiety to the point of panic. But in time she came to long for her touch, and now she can't get enough of it. Her touch is healing. It doesn't seek to take but give. Give comfort, give hope, give pleasure, give love. Sophia's touch is Trinity's second lifeline, and integral in giving her the courage to take back her life for good.

"Sophie!" She calls out her pet name in sweet ecstasy, having reached her limit of pleasure. She wraps herself around her and pulls her in, her body shivering from waves of pleasure and release.

Never in her life did she believe there was more to sex then grinning and bearing it for the sake of a man, which she believed was simply her cross to bear as a daughter and future wife. Sophia showed her another way, and she no longer can doubt that it's the only path she can take.

She will never desire the touch of man, nor will she allow it once she's freed herself from her father's imprisonment. Thanks to Sophia, she discovered that she will only ever be able to love women. Moreover, she knows that Sophia is the only woman she wants to spend her life with.

Sophia positions herself beside her now, sharing in their blissful embrace. They are wrapped up in each other, feeling almost as though they are fusing into one and it feels absolutely wonderful.

"Trini, I love you." Sophia says this with deep affection as she slowly strokes Trinity's hair.

"I love you too Sophie. So much, I don't think I could live without you anymore, in this world."

"Then don't." Sophia stares at Trinity directly in her eyes. "Say you'll come away with me."

"Huh?" Trinity looks back in confusion. "What do you mean? That's the plan, right? When I turn 18, I'll take Shi and we'll leave that man's house. We'll lie low for a while and eventually I'll return to you. Then we can be together for real. We won't have to sneak around, only able to be together on my bi-weekly grocery runs when he allows me to use the spare car. Just a few mor-."

"Not a few more months babe, now. Sneaking around like I'm a dirty secret isn't what I want."

"That was never my intention Sophie, I swear. I don't want to keep you a secret. I mean it hon."

"I hate this job. I hate this place. I want out. My life has more potential than being a cashier at this overpriced supermarket. I honestly would've left months ago, before university started up."

"Really? I had no idea. If you had, we'd never have become the way we are now. I'd hate that."

"Exactly, we wouldn't have been together. That's my point Trinity. That's your power over me."

"I…don't understand Sophie. Are you saying it's my fault you couldn't leave? I'm sorry if I-." She's suddenly silenced with a pained kiss and her eyes are met with furious glazed orbs.

"Don't apologize Trinity! I'm not blaming you, ok?!" She recognizes the anxiety growing in Trinity's eyes and calms down, stroking her head apologetically. "I'm not blaming you…but it's true that it's because of you. It was you that made me stay. Only you could do it, because only you hold my heart Trinity. You always have, and I can't live in this world without you either."

Trinity stares back at her, searching for deception in her eyes, but finds only sadness and worry. She means what she says and genuinely wants to be with her, which gives her comfort, and pain. She wants nothing more than to run away with her and Shi and never look back, but they can't. It's his world, and they're just living in it. Hope can't thrive here, and it will only be destroyed.