Vengeance (1)

Trinity sits in the chair by the window and quietly stares out into the grey. While it doesn't become either day or night, the sky seems to have become like a shadow. Almost as though a dark cloud has descended. Trinity feels as though her world is slowly caving in and she can only perceive the world through a narrow window, all other surroundings obscured in grey darkness.

Her father returned home an hour after she did and found her lying on the ground, barely responsive. He didn't even yell or shout about how unsightly she looked or how embarrassing she was and to think of what the neighbors would say. No, he simply picked her up and carried her to her bed. He didn't even crawl inside. He left her alone, even he abandoning her for a time.

He left again soon after, presumably realizing Shiori wasn't anywhere to be found. He must have gone to search for her. At least that's what Trinity chose to believe. That even he; monster as he may be, would have some concern for his young child who's gone missing. At the least, he'll need to save face, as someone will come inquiring sooner or later. He can't avoid everything.

Lights shine in through the window and Trinity watches as he drives up the short driveway. She watches him exit his car and lock up; he's alone. Her heart grows heavy once again, but she still manages to get herself up and meet him at the door. He doesn't speak, he simply hangs his hat at the door and walks past her with a sigh. She closes the door and locks up behind him, as always.

He removes his coat, tossing it at her, and she stands ready to catch it. She hangs it on the coat rack beside her and then follows behind him to the living room. He sits in his favorite chair and puts his feet up. He sits silently, saying nothing, but there's no need. Trinity is already beside him with a beer and the remote. He takes it without even uttering any thanks. "News tonight."

Trinity turns on the TV just as the News Break at 10 is starting. It's the evening news, but with a singular host and more targeted stories. Trinity sits on the couch nearby, and while she glances at him, she says nothing. He's the speak when spoken to type, and she's in no mood for his wrath.

He drinks his beer in silence, and stares at the screen, but doesn't seem to be very interested. When he places his beer on the floor beside him, Trinity jumps up and is back in under a minute with another one. He again takes it without grace, but this time he does utter a few words.

"Couldn't find her. I'll make a report in the morning." He leaves it at that, not open to questions.

Trinity's anxiety returns again, and she feels like she might have a panic attack at any moment, but she doesn't let it show. She dares to make a single request. "May I be excused to my room?"

He looks at her, and perhaps noticing her face growing pale, he replies, "If you're feeling unwell, then allow me to comfort you." He takes a long swig and pats his lap. "Come here, baby girl."

She hesitates slightly, but ultimately does as she's told, fearing things will escalate otherwise. She sits on the edge of his left leg, but he swiftly wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her into his lap fully. His grip on her thigh is strong, his silent reminder that she belongs to him. They silently stare at the screen, neither engaged, until something catches Trinity's attention.

"This just in, we've received word of a breaking story, literally unfolding as we speak. The body of a young woman was found down by the wharf, in what appears to be an apparent suicide. She was a local university student in her second year, and had reportedly been estranged from her parents, though she remained a member of the household. She also worked for a local market here in town. Her parents said she was a calm, reasonable girl, but also troubled at times."

Trinity's anxiety begins to soar, and she feels the familiar tingles starting in her arms. "Dad I-."

"Shush. I'm trying to hear." He shuts her down coldly, continuing to take swigs of his drink.

"The woman's parents reported her missing earlier today, after she apparently stole nearly a thousand dollars in cash, which they kept around for emergencies. They believe she had been planning to run away with her secret lover, who they knew of, but their identity remained unknown. They can only assume that they stood their daughter up and heartbroken, she jumped from the overpass late this evening. Her body travelled downstream and was found on the hour."

Trinity's palms begin to sweat, and her breathing becomes labored. "Dad…please, I need space."

"Hmm? What's wrong Trinity? You think this woman is someone you know? Can't be, right?" His tone is light, but there's a veiled sarcastic element in there too, and it irks Trinity a bit.

"We're receiving new information right at this moment and-, oh, what's this? It seems they've given the greenlight for us to reveal the woman's identity. You heard it here folks! The woman is none other than nineteen-year-old Sophia Ortega, student at Peddler University here in Brixton."

"She was known for her casual associations with several local girls, some said to even be minors. It's believed that her homosexuality, coupled with guilt, lead to her suicide. If this is indeed true, then I think we can all agree this wasn't too much of a tragedy, and nothing was lost, after all."

Trinity's mind goes blank, and her ears go deaf. She can only hear a debilitating ringing and she feels light-headed, as though she might collapse. However, she's secured firmly on his lap, his grip on her thigh getting tighter. Just as she thinks her consciousness is fading she hears….

"Did you really think you could just leave?" Trinity comes to her senses and sees his grin.

"Daddy you…?" She shakes her head in disbelief before glaring at him angrily. "What did you do?" She scowls. "It was you, wasn't it? You did something to her, right? What did you do?!"

He frowns. "I think you better watch your tone with me girl," he growls lowly. "I didn't kill anyone, but I won't deny I'm happy. I'm glad the trash surrounding you took itself out," he jeers.

Trinity looks at him with an appalled expression. "You knew then? You knew we were together and decided to take care of her, isn't that it? You knew what plans we were making and then intercepted them, didn't you? You made her leave me behind, didn't you? Answer me daddy!"

He shoves her to the ground, and she hits it hard with a thud. He stomps his boot heel on her side, causing her to scream out in pain. "Who the hell do you think you are to demand answers from me?!" He kicks her side. "You are not in control here and that bitch isn't going to keep convincing you that you are!" He kicks her again. "You are mine and mine alone, dammit!"

He drops down and rips open her blouse, before aggressively grabbing at her breasts. "These tits are mine!" He rips open her leggings at the groin and snatches her underwear down. He forces her legs up, exposing her completely to him. "This ass is mine!" He aggressively pins her and forces himself on her. "This entire fucking body of yours is mine! You were created from me, by me, for me! Your mother was the vessel to carry you into this world, but it was for me! Get that into your head little girl! Once and for all, understand that you belong to me! Forevermore!"

"Oh my god…you killed her. You fucking killed her! I know you did, you sick bastard!" Trinity unravels the case through her tears, no longer holding back. He's already doing his worst, so at this point she'd rather say what's been on her mind to reveal the truth. If she's lucky, he'll kill her. She hopes for it in fact, because deep down she knows she's lost her precious Shiori too.