A Sinner’s Affection (2)

Trinity opens her eyes to the familiar ceiling she's grown used to over the past six months. She touches her head as she processes the dream she just experienced. Or rather, it seems it was another memory resurfacing. She's slowly been recalling her past; a new piece being unlocked almost every night. However, this is the first time she's found herself curious about the events.

"Who was that girl…?" She contemplates out loud but had only been thinking to herself.

"Girl? What girl might that be?" Amlith appears from the side, rubbing her damp hair with a towel, having just come from the shower. Her body is completely exposed however, leaving nothing to the imagination. It doesn't go unnoticed by Trinity, but she doesn't openly react.

"A girl in my dream. She was young, maybe around six or so? Apparently she was the daughter of one of the souls I killed back then. I know I killed a lot of souls during that time and that hasn't made me feel any regret, nor have I wondered if I went too far. But this time…I feel…."

"Guilty?" She doesn't answer, but she doesn't need to for Amlith to understand her thoughts. "Trinity…." She places the towel down at the foot of the bed and walks over to the other side. She climbs onto the bed with her knees and straddles Trinity before placing her right hand against the right side of her head and gently rubbing it in a comforting motion. "You did nothing wrong. The wretched souls you killed were worthless, as are all the souls in that forsaken city."

"My people, you mean?" Amlith pauses from the surprise of Trinity's unexpected reply. "I just mean, you told me that I'm the rightful Death Sinner Queen, and that the city of Limbo is my domain. Therefore, it'd follow that those 'wretched souls' are my subjects, are they not?"

Amlith is unable to speak immediately, but finally says, "Yes…that's technically true, but that doesn't mean you owe them any pity. They are nuisances in my opinion. Simply a burden."

"Is that what you think of your Hellions too, Princess of Hell?" Trinity asks her this smugly.

Amlith frowns slightly, but not with true malice. "DO NOT address me by my official title. You know I hate that…," she whines. "You enjoy challenging me at these times, don't you my dear?"

"Well, you told me to be myself with you. This is me. I want to speak my mind freely, Amlith."

Amlith smiles, a shiver going down her spine. She'll never forget the night Trinity first called her by her name, in the height of their ecstasy, and it delivered them to an epic finish. Ever since that night three months ago, while she most often calls her Mistress, she calls her Amlith when she wants to get the upper hand, and it almost always works. "You truly are dangerous for my heart."

Trinity smirks playfully. "I don't about that…I'd say you're more dangerous for mine." Finally unable to resist the temptation anymore, she raises her hands and gropes her behind firmly. She sensually slides her hands up along her lower to upper back, and slowly slides them round to her breasts. She gives them a squeeze with her full palms and transitions to gently pulling her nipples and rolling them between the tips of her fingers. Amlith lets out a soft moan in response to it.

"Trinity…." Amlith leans forward, allowing Trinity full access to her breasts. "Show me all you've learned from our lessons." Trinity wastes no time unloading a full assault against her breasts, squeezing them more aggressively and soon taking them into her mouth one at a time.

Trinity focuses on her motions, licking her nipples and circling around the tip with her tongue, before folding it around fully to suck on them. She clamps down firmly with her lips and utilizes them well with her tongue as she sucks. She finishes the cycle by lightly biting down on them.

"Ah!" Amlith gasps, not in pain, but pleasure. Trinity used to worry she'd hurt her when she first began taking the lead, but she's since learned the difference between pleasure and pain reactions, though Amlith truthfully doesn't mind either. "Mhm, yes. That's great Trinity dear. Like that."

Trinity continues as she is, intending to satisfy Amlith thoroughly in this way, before moving on to the main course. She's come to learn the importance of having a proper appetizer to fully enjoy the meal to the fullest. She continues to repeat the same pattern for several more cycles until she feels the steady drip of a viscous liquid on her thighs. "Seems you're ready for more."

"You know what I need, so why do you waste time on asking?" Amlith says this impatiently.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I won't keep you waiting a moment longer." Trinity jumps into action, carefully twisting Amlith around and lying her softly on her back. She takes a moment to appreciate Amlith in all her smooth glory, her folds perfectly aligned like flower petals as they glisten with the morning dew. The sweet and intoxicating scent draws her in like bees to a honey pot and Trinity dives in to enjoy her special treat. She laps up every drop she encounters eagerly.

Amlith opens her legs wide enough to allow Trinity easy access, while soaking in her gentle motions. She runs her tongue up and down and across every fold, even the inner ones, while grazing across her opening. Her anticipation grows as each consecutive stroke gets closer and closer to making full contact, only building her anticipation. All the while, she completely avoids the prized gem at the top, which slowly grows more swollen as her pleasure grows. "Darling…."

Trinity gazes up for a moment and immediately understands what she's asking for without further words required. She stops teasing and fully commits to her actions. She dives in, pushing her tongue inside, shallowly at first, but soon she pushes further in, such that she can feel the change of texture around her inner walls. She can feel her muscles contract in response, and more of her sweet nectar drips out slowly as well, spreading across her tongue. "So sweet."

"Hah…." Amlith lets out a breathy moan, and squirms beneath Trinity's mouth as she runs her slender fingers through her hair. Her tender bud has nearly reached the limits of her arousal and begins throbbing for Trinity's attention. "Trinity…please." She nearly begs her with urgency.

"You're truly more likeable when you're so honest about your desires." Trinity teases, but keeps her focus on the task at hand, and intensifies her actions. She starts by slowly licking around the swollen bud, and then finally clamps down with her tongue and lips, to fully enclose it and suck.

"Sss!" Amlith lets out a sudden hiss of relief as her desire is finally fulfilled, Trinity's gentle sucking motions sending waves of pleasure to her core and driving her slowly wild. "Yes! That's it Trinity! Just like that! Right there!" She encourages her. "Please, use your fingers too, dear."

Trinity nods, silently acknowledging her request. She lifts her right pointer finger and slides it inside without any resistance. So she skips a couple and jumps right to inserting three, stretching Amlith to her preferred limit. She strokes her fingers in and out, slowly at first, but picks up the pace in response to Amlith's increasing wetness and how she periodically clamps on her fingers.

"Mhm! Ah! Hah!" Amlith lets out a series of moans as her pleasure reaches its peak and she begins to approach her climax. "Don't forget the prize Trinity. Bring it all together for me now."

Trinity prepares herself for her ultimate finishing move. She picks up the pace with her fingers and resumes sucking on her delicate bud, even harder than before. She's in perfect synchrony with her tongue, mouth and lips as they work in tandem with her fingers to drive Amlith wild.

"Yes, Trinity! That's it! Please give me more! Don't stop! Keep going, just like that! Mhm! Ah!" Amlith lets out loud moans representing her ultimate pleasure and her walls begin to contract around Trinity's fingers more aggressively. She can no longer hold back and finds her release.

Trinity suddenly feels a rush of nectar flow down her tongue and fill her mouth. The sweetness overwhelms her, as does Amlith's strong scent and she can't hold back her own arousal that had been steadily growing throughout their exchange. Sensing this, Amlith manages to find a chance between her own climax to slide her own fingers into Trinity's wet cavern and stimulate her.

"Amlith…I'm going to…!" She simply nods in approval and Trinity lets go, orgasming hard. "Oh!" Trinity still finds herself caught off-guard despite knowing it was coming and she soon collapses on the bed, falling between Amlith's legs. "Hah…I'm still no match for you, am I?"

Amlith grins as she continues to finger through Trinity's hair with a gentle affection. "I've been pleasuring women long before you were born and take pride in my work, so don't feel down. It'll take you a hundred years to even approach my skill." Trinity sighs. "That said, you've improved quite a bit dear. I think you brought me to orgasm faster than ever before, in fact. Be proud."

Trinity pushes herself up and lies back on the pillow beside Amlith and she responds by laying her head on Trinity's chest as she embraces her. "Yeah, I'll get there one day. Thanks Mistress."

They lie together for a while, simply enjoying the peace, but then Amlith says, "It'll be your birthday in a couple days, did you remember? You'll be turning 22…well, in mind, I suppose."

"You mean I can't celebrate my one-hundredth and twenty-second birthday?" Trinity asks with a humorous tone. "If we don't count my purgatory days, I suppose that's right. I'll be 22, huh?"

"Yes, that's right. What would you like as a gift? You can have anything you desire; you need not do more than ask. I want you to have the world Trinity and be truly happy. You deserve it."

"I see. Is that why you haven't proposed your deal to me yet? I thought this treatment was only on the table if I agreed to it? Yet we've been having fun all this time, with no strings attached."

"Yes, I realize I'm contradicting myself; it surprised me too honestly. But I'm ok with it for now. I mean it dear; I only want your happiness. So please, tell me what you want. Anything is fine."

Trinity hesitates for a moment, but finally makes a single request. "Amlith, I want to move out."