Mei-ling pushed past everyone in her way as she raced towards the woman and the dog.

"Wait!" Mei-ling called.

Her veil had fallen down from her face and she quickly replaced it.

"What?!" The woman snapped her face red.

Mei-ling looked at the mess the dog had made.

It had eaten her tomatoes and destroyed some lettuce and cabbage.

There was even a cabbage hanging from its mouth.

"Is it your dog?" Mei-ling asked.

"What does that concern you?!" The woman asked holding the dog by its neck. "It's a stupid stray dog that came straight to ruin my market! Who will pay for all of this?"

The puppy was probably only three months.

It looked just like the one

That had beaten her the day she had died.

What if this dog bit her? Would it take her back to reality?

Mei-ling smiled devilishly.

"Or is the dog yours?!" The woman said. "Is this stray dog yours?!"

"Who me?" Mei-ling asked.

A small crowd was beginning to form.

"If it's your dog you better tell me so you can pay for the damage." The woman warned. "Or I'll report to the market guards."

Market guards?!

No no no. There was no need for something like that!

"Yes it's my dog." Mei-ling said finally claiming him when she saw no one was stepping outside. "I've been looking for him all day."

She reached to collect the dog from the woman but the woman frowned her fat face and held the dog firmly.

"If he is yours! You will pay for this mess!" The woman said. "Before I give him back to you!"

"Of course of course." Mei-ling said handing her some coins.

The woman snatched it and looked at it. "It's not enough."

She opened her palm again.

"Why?! That's more than enough to pay for the damage!" Mei-ling said.

"Well I said it's enough! Or I'll call the market guard and they will lock you up and you will never get this miserable dog again!" The woman warned.

Mei-ling was angry.

She knew she was being duped.

But what could she do?

She angrily fished through her pockets and handed her more Coins.

The woman snatched it and flung the dog at Mei-ling.

Mei-ling carried the dog and hurried out of the market crowd.

When Mei-ling got to a spot where no one was seeing her, she gave her hand to the dog.

"Bite it." She said. "I spent money on you so do what I want you to do."

The dog just stared back at her.

"Go on bite me." She said pushing her hand inside his mouth.

But all the dog did was lick her hand and wag its tail.

Mei-ling wanted to weep!