Chapter 3: two missions
At the beginning I was counting but as time went by I stopped counting, I only hit the dummies as I was taught, only low blows without opening the defenses too much, avoiding open blows or aiming at the head. After two hours of hitting the dummy the instructor changed my routine and made me start to turn the baton in front of my chest with both hands, each turn faster than the previous one, from left to right, then from right to left, while I was doing it the instructor kept saying feel the baton, contract it, look at the baton, then look to the distance, feel the baton.... I think the instructor didn't even speak anymore but I kept hearing that phrase in my head and I complied with the instructor's orders after all I knew that I had no idea how to fight with a cane, for that reason I followed the instructions without any complaint, I moved from left to right without losing the movement of the cane as well as the body from the waist on both sides.
As the hours went by something happened that I did not expect, a message appeared: resistance has increased, dexterity has increased, strength has increased, these messages prevented me to stop practicing, when I looked at maria again I observed that she was in her own practice without blinking, but apparently she was doing better than me, her turns and swinging of the weapon was much finer and stable, sincerely I felt envious.
Then we started with a half turn while holding the baton with one hand faster and faster, then he moved to the full body turn with faster and faster speeds and then changed the hands with which he turned the weapon established with one hand while with one hand he turned the baton, the other hand was on guard in case he needed to stop the baton or in case of danger, or so said the instructor finally arrived at 6pm and now it was time to go to the library to read, I picked up books on the history of magic and the creatures that could be my relatives, maria for her part picked up books on souls and martial arts without a doubt she loved martial arts.
At 10 pm we decided to put a stop to the day's activities and go out to eat something then we went back to enter the game to continue reading while our wisdom and intelligence rose at 2 am we rested to get up at 6 am. to go jogging for half an hour, then a shower and enter the game to continue with the training without weapons in the martial arts of the silver elves were taught an art very similar to karate, taekwondo, kickboxing, muay thai, aikido among other fighting styles that I did not know existed we both signed up for classes karate, taekwondo, muay thai, aikido we spent all morning until 3 pm practicing these martial arts then return to the less weapons and finally to the readings.
Every day the instructors gave us new instructions according to our level of learning and then asked us to do repetitions of what they taught us, this was our schedule for a month. I sent a document to the university and talked to the professors so that they would give me permission during this time. Fortunately I managed to convince them that I was working to become independent and I needed this time to prepare the way to independence, it was not a lie because I planned to make a living in the short term with the game.
At the end of the month of training the trainers approached us and told us young heralds we have seen your efforts, for that reason let me reward you with the following weapons, these can be carried by young warriors in training, they gave me a wooden staff of Pennantia helada, it was a hard weapon without a doubt, maria was given a simple halberd and we were both given Muay thai type bandages, maria asked how many people have finished the one month training, the weapons instructor answered that currently only 30000 people have finished the training in the whole server, as for the unarmed combat training only 5000 people and the reading in the library has 100,000 people, I also have a mission for them: In the caverns of stone there is a gigantic wolf that has killed several heralds bring me his head but before leaving to this adventure I recommend you to pass by the library of Kael awaits you to give you great rewards, having said this the instructors left, maria and I left with smiles in the direction of the library, when we arrived Kael welcomed us.
He said congratulations heralds for visiting this library 30 days in a row I will give you this reward he gave us each a book of skills this book is compatible with your classes the books that you find in nature may not be compatible with you in that case you can sell them in this place or any elven library or you can sell them in the square of the cities until the day you manage to create your stores you can also do me a favor.
Yes I answered quickly without thinking to which I got a nudge from maria noona, kael continued with what he was saying without caring about the interaction of nudges between me and maria but I froze when he said I want you to go out of the forest and check what the ice ogres that live near the stone caverns that are south of our city are doing, Here you have a map, good luck in this mission by the way, the information you get can only tell it to me, you can find me here or in the south palace, may the goddesses of destiny guide your way, may the Moiras be with you.
After leaving the library we looked for a place without many people to open our books, I got the healing skill and maria the aura was a very sought after skill by all classes as it was compatible with almost all classes and part of it very versatile as powerful was among the skills found to date a skill (U) was to coat the user's weapon with an aura that gave the wearer greater physical damage and damage in waves affected with a portion of damage in area 30 centimeters. with an aura that gave the bearer greater physical damage and damage in waves affected with a portion of the damage in area of 30 centimeters of the impact with almost no mana expenditure what the users could use the aura for hours while the mana lasts so the heralds sought this ability , It was here that I remembered that I had another skill book that was given to me by Amir when I opened the book I was surprised because the book said the interpreter was a book that allowed me to understand all the languages of the intelligent races of Andromeda.
I was stunned not knowing what to do with these skills, I thought that the interpreter skill was useless but then I calmed down due to the laughter of the maid next to me who said quiet a skill that allows you to know the languages of Andromeda is priceless actually I'm quite envious of your luck to have two skill books at the beginning of the game is very rare, as far as we know only two people have 3 skills and less than 300 people have 2 skills at this point of the game the maximum level published in the official forum is 50 we are level 1 and we already have skills that puts us at an advantage with the vast majority of novice players truth without counting the large amount of statistics accumulated by our sleepless nights and spartan training I think that even in the army we would not be exploited as much as in this game and we still do not earn a penny.
I nodded and followed her down the road to accomplish our assigned missions, two A-rank missions, the missions range from rank G;F;E; D; C; B; A; S ,SR,SSR; U; UR and UUR as well as the equipment, getting A rank missions was already strange as far as I knew no one had ever completed an A rank mission or higher, the ranks were given according to the level of the user, the importance of the event in the world, the conditions imposed for example if the mission was in solitary or if it was not allowed to kill anyone among others.
When I commented this to maria she only said that most likely she gave these missions because we finished the three types of training and our statistics do not match with level one user in fact you could say that our statistics are on par with a user of level 20 or 30 is a shame that we no longer have a way to raise these statistics only by training, I replied that is not entirely true as I understand that there is a specialization course in our professions if we go to the hills of the silver mist to there my mentor Amir awaits me, why don't we go after reaching level 50 to that place I have heard that it is difficult to get there, of course she replied with a smile.
While we were walking there was a notification from the system, the player Tianlong has completed the first A rank mission and is rewarded with 5000 fame.
That Tianlong sure is Chinese but I don't think he has that name right I asked.
To which maria answered I don't know much about Asian culture but I'm sure it's Chinese after all the Japanese don't use that phonetic very often.
And so we left the city.