The Imperfect Lord of Nothing Who Envied Paradise

"Everyday... Everyday is so much more tiring then I thought." Vinea sighed as he got off the train, Avis close behind him. "Well, all you did was cry about killing that one Decaynine." She snickered. "Hey, I haven't killed anyone before."

"Eh, I accidentally ran over some guy when I was 17. I got over that after awhile. Just... Looots of therapy." She laughed, and as Ven and Tika were arguing over who got to get the first drink of their whisky, everyone was met by surprise when they exited the station, finding more humans and elves in the city then before. 

It seems Pandora's Tears had accepted a few new residents after the groups slight attack on Melody. Everyone soon got together in the central plaza, with Nvr2B seeming fascinated by the city's lights and darker colours, though Iyu kept her usual smiling look, not really seeming impressed. 

"So. What's the plan for everyone?" Ven asked as he gave Vex back her Gun-Blade. Vinea, Senshi and Avis looked at each other before smirking. "We'll be going with you no matter what at this point. So let's head to my place and plan for Dreamy." Avis said with a slight flap of her wings as Vinea gave a green thumbs up. "Pretty much what she said, but less dorky and more... Me." 

Tika, Fox and Vex all discussed amongst themselves on the train, with Tika saying. "We're going to give Fox's body a proper burial before we plan for a raid on Detainment. I ain't letting Biz die 'cause my ex wanted to play the hero." She laughed.

Nvr2b and Iyu looked between themselves before Iyu sighed and said with her usual smile; "Nvr wants to explore the city. So we'll be having fun on our own. Please call when you need to get somewhere fast." 

With everyone's plans in order, everyone left for their own objectives, with Ven and his lot soon going over to Avis's apartment... Only to find that her place had been raided and seized as a terrorist sight and all 4 of them having wanted posters pinned around the area. "Well... A-At least I still have my spirit?" Avis said with an awkward smile before Vinea threw a rock through the window and broke in.

Everyone looked a bit confused as Vinea gave a shrug. "What? I left my plant collection in there." They couldn't really stop him at this point so they all jumped through the window and awkwardly sat on the floor of the now barren apartment with only Avis's old, crappy T.V still left. 

Ven decided to finish off his new and improved weapon with Senshi as Avis and Vinea watched the news to catch up on what had happened since they'd been gone. From the looks of things, Panila had been searching for new Domain Leaders, Senshi had become a celebrity fugitive and Avis and Vinea were now seen as underground rebel icons. 

"Hell yeah!" They yelled together, doing a little dance together before another news broadcast played that slightly shocked everyone.

"In tonight's news, we have information that the former Domain leader "Rat", seen here stealing a child's candy, has been taken to Dreamy Domain to be evaluated for psychological evaluation by one Dr Cheshire Vincula." 

All of them let out a slight groan as they now realised what there next mission was. Rescue Rat and beat Cheshire. 

Iyu and Nvr2B were sitting just outside of Dreamy Domain, with Nvr snacking on a cold harpy and cheese sandwich. "I assume I had you activate the heart, correct?" Iyu said as she glanced to Nvr, who gave a nod. "Yep. Parfait did a number on the Oni and Centipede." 

"Well... It seems the heart still works then. Hard to believe Splice could even remove someone's heart in the first place."

"They did build the machine that ended the world. Not surprising really."

"All we have to do now is give the heart back to whoever it belongs to." Iyu said with a sigh. "Can I see it?" Iyu asked. Nvr2b nodded, pulling out an old wooden box with a still beating heart inside. "Maybe we could name it?" Nvr suggest.

"The heart?"

"Yeah. Let's call it... Hearty!" She laughed, making Iyu crack a genuine smile. 

"Stupid rabbit."