Chapter 5 - The Cerise Azaleas Bloom Twice

It was too treacherous — a lone Second Ordeal no matter how strong can traverse these lands without peril. Even more so with a hindrance attached to their back.

Kiran simply sighed as he drew his spear. Whatever was approaching was doing so quickly, an innumerable amount of steps barreling towards them, echoing off the rocks as they got closer.

…Path Beasts were Ordinary creatures that miraculously stepped upon their Path to power. It seemed unbelievable as they too begin as Ordinary.

How could beasts survive an Ordeal?

Long ago, it was reasoned that these Ordeals must be facile and effortless if mere beasts can surpass them.

But the resulting Path Beasts were strong. Powerful beyond the measures of human Path Finders or the same level.

So their Ordeals must be strong in turn to provide such strength, the world demands balance — it wouldn't be plausible otherwise.

It was an old question, perhaps as old as the Wailing Chain itself. The answers to the origins of a Path Beast's Ordeals and source of strength still remain vague.

But regardless of their origins, the monstrous pack of Path Beasts continued to rage towards Kiran.

Kiran's own gaze never wavered, darting between the now revealed creatures, finally appearing in his line of sight—

Suddenly Kiran lost the grip of his spear, swifting bringing his hands to his eyes in an attempt to cover.

They were scalding, as if the very appearance of the creatures burned them.

"Osias, close your eyes!" Kiran bellowed, his voice echoing through the cacophony of trampling creatures.

But just as he said so, his leg felt a scalding claw rip into his skin. He adjusted, noting where the creature attacked and he clutched his shaft tightly before viciously thrusting.

All the while his mind raced, putting together all he knew from the brief encounter as his spear waved and moved. They all seemed to possess a harrowing ability related to sight — specifically taking the light from the eyes of their adversaries.

It seemed the moment Kiran laid his eyes upon the appearance of one such of these Path Beasts it happened. Sight was a condition to take it away, he thought.

But Kiran didn't know the extent of their ability, so he was wary to open them again.

He used Blood Mend, healing what had just ripped at his leg as he swung his massive spear in a ghastly arc.

'Odd. They rob my sight but do not damage the eyes, otherwise, Blood Mend would heal them. Pain without damage? '

Relying on his essence sense he prepared for the onslaught of the rest of the pack. Fortunately, only a straggler met him alone…

Kiran's Blood Path and its relationship with essence together with his elevated senses due to his being of the Second Ordeal allowed him to lessen the disadvantage of losing sight.

From what Kiran was able to make up before closing his eyes, the figures of these abominable creatures were small and deformed.

Four squat and short burly legs rushed forward carrying a bulky and stout torso.

Each one barely reached to his knees.

Their torso almost blended into his disproportionate head leaving no sign of a neck.

Grotesque beasts molded by their Path, their origins of an Ordinary made unrecognizable.

Daringly, he opened his deep-set eyes, his face twisted into a strained scowl as he waved his spear into the first of the wave.

He ripped into their bodies and avoided their short claws with a vicious snarl that rivaled that of the very beasts he was facing before dashing to his side.

'First Ordeal...' He thought as he continued keeping his distance.

Slaying the brunt of the frenzied wave, Kiran found that the beasts' ability to influence the vision of their enemies was abnormally strong. The pain was straining, and even if one decided to brave it, they'd undeniably be distraught and distracted.

Such abilities - even for human Path Finders usually had limits when utilized against an enemy of a higher level of Ordeal, for him to be affected…

In the next moment, a handful pounced over their fallen counterparts and lashed at Kiran's torso.

Then several deep gashes riddled the area by his ribs, his bones exposed under his flesh.

'Strong!' Kiran thought in exasperation.

Kiran was privy to a lavish amount of essence from a young age. Partly the customary amount aided to the youth, but the rest was of him proving his strength, enough to be groomed to a successor.

His reservoir was constantly being tested and increased slowly from his youth. His vast essence-saturated body was much more resilient and unyielding compared to the average Second Ordeal Path Finder's body.

Kiran was sure that amongst all Second Ordeal Path Finder's, he alone possessed the most naturally resilient body except for those with physically augmenting Ordeal Abilities.

For the claws of an entire pack of Path Beast, an entire level below to pierce and cut the body of Kiran was astounding, yet alarming.

Perhaps the first one he slew could be an exception, an outlier of the pack, but for the all?

…But Kiran too possessed a harrowing ability. Each cut from his spear pulled an abnormal amount of blood. Blood followed up the shaft; to his wrists where they met his tattoos.

Luckily this pack only possessed First Ordeal path beasts.

Although such a pack would decimate average Path Finders of the same level in certain circumstances, Kiran was an anomaly in battle strength.

Taking a vicious swipe from one of these beast's claws, Kiran welcomed the blatant opening and punctured the foul creature in the center of its head.

All this time, unbeknownst to the foul-minded beasts, each strike from their adversary's spear viciously drew more blood than normal attacks.

At this point, the pack was riddled with losses, and less than two dozen remained.

They were beginning to falter and retreat, even in their frenzied state of mind they held wisps of conscious fear.

Osias was fine, he prevented any strikes from landing on the frail child latched on his back.

Swiping his spear in the air, Kiran scowled and scornfully advanced.

No longer on his backfoot and bearing the brunt of their momentum, the many bloodied slashes that littered his lower half were already closed.

'Although the tattoos have provided an almost boundless amount of essence, I should limit essence usage to just Blood Mend. Beasts of this level do not warrant anything more.'

Sinking his spearhead deeply into the hind of the unfortunate beast at the pack's rear, the others ran with more fervor upon seeing their bestial brethren's cruel death.

With the rest dispersing, Kiran was free from the battle but decided against pursuing.

His spear was still embedded deeply into the shrieking creature, but with a quick stomp, he planted his foot atop its head and pulled out his spear.

But with the spearhead came along an immense amount of blood, all flowing as it swirled atop the spear's shaft and into his hand.

Within seconds the corpse was turned decrepit and shriveled into an almost grey mess.

…Without a conscious will, blood essence is more easily taken. If you don't lock the door, the thief won't need to break it open.

'This'll make up for later… is it a shame or a blessing I didn't find a Second Ordeal beast...?'

Quicking blinking his eyes Kiran staggered slightly as he rested.

The effects of their ability still lingered, it seemed that the pain wouldn't wash away along with their escape.

Even the brief moment he laid his eyes upon their bodies was enough to startle him and almost blind him.

Looking back on the brief battle, Kiran recalled the moment they appeared.

Dozens of small imp-like creatures, all in a frenzied rush towards Kiran and Osias. Climbing over each other as they snarl and howl, only for the

'Eye contact then...'

'Now was it because they looked into my eyes, or did I look into one of their eyes?'

'If it was the former, then individually, they are less formidable than I thought. Although their ability is strong, the power of it was from the sheer number that looked into my eyes. But if it was the latter, then they are a frightening foe. Just one of such beasts is enough to force my eyes shut.'

'A whole Ordeal level below myself...'

Walking over the many dead Path Beasts, Kiran stretched his bloodied hand into the gaping hole.

A small portion of blood essence streamed up, feeding into Kiran's hands, traveling into the tattoo that stretched around his wrists.

The tattoo almost gave a crimson glow, as if it was beaming with glee at the absorbed blood essence.

Kiran strained himself, giving the slightest grimace, and a much larger stream of blood instead traveled under Kiran's garments, obscured from view.

'Are they under a pack leader of sorts? A Second… or Third Ordeal Path Beast?'

Unfortunately, although Kiran could pursue them to prevent them from possibly relaying to a stronger Path Beast, Kiran decided otherwise.

He could only imagine the toll of testing his limits with a particularly strong Path Beast of the same Ordeal level. Especially one that possessed such an ability even stronger than that of the rabble he just fought.

Had the site of battle changed or if the beasts were stronger than he thought, Kiran did not wish to fight in such an unfavorable state with his sight stolen.

And if he plunged down the cliff into the misty gorge below...

"Osias, you can open your eyes now." He said quietly, continuing their measured pace.

"Brother! Those Path Beasts, did you finish them all?"


"I'm sorry. I can't help."

"You will after we reach the Heron. Think nothing of it."

'The Heron...' Osias recalled.

"Is it true that the Heron can heal me, elder brother?"

"I don't know. But it is the only option unless we risk making contact with people to find a Path Finder who possesses a healing ability."

Slouching down slightly with a sigh, Osias nodded.

Osias thought back to the story of the Path Beast.

'Band Leader Garm, before the forming of the Red Sky, escaped from a wild war between two small factions that no longer exist, each trying to claim more land beyond the reaches of the Tailed Brothers.'

'In the Outer Valleys...'

Turning his head and weakly grasping the makeshift carrier, Osias watched the 'path' ahead.

The mountain had no path, road, or trail. Rugged stones and jagged risings littered everywhere they moved. This mountain didn't even have a treeline. It was desolate and barren, perhaps the thickets of forestry were below them, enveloped by the mist.

'The mist...' Osias thought as he peered over the ledge to his side, gazing into the sunless mist that covered the gorge below.

Danger loomed below and above. If a powerful Second Ordeal or even Third Ordeal Path Beast claimed the mountain peak, they were at risk of it descending upon them.

The same goes for whatever is in the mist below, whatever was in its obscure embraces.

'I don't even know how elder brother is moving forward…' He thought with a sigh.

Kiran must tread atop the rough ground below their feet and at times scale the sides of almost verticle cliffs. All the while wary of everything in all directions.

They were alone in this mess. Creatures the likes he hadn't even seen before nor could imagine appeared.

It has only been three days since they entered the Outer Valleys. The pack of Path Beasts was one of many they've encountered in this time.

And every night since then has been nearly sleepless.

Returning to his memories of the story, 'There, Garm deserted his unit, killing them all. It was nothing more than a hastily established group of other contracted mercenaries whom he had no ties to. Garm sought to evade the two factions and head north, to start anew.'

'But one of the Path Finders of the unit had a powerful ability. A poison of sorts. Garm suffered for days from the coated blade. And unlike many of the Path of Blood, Garm did not have Blood Mend.'

'Garm gambled his odds to make it into the Heartlands of the Tailed Brothers. But he unexpectedly ran into more obstacles than he thought. And upon the brink of death, he crawled to an opening on an obscured mountain.'

'A large pool of water seemed so out of place, but the water was clear as blue. Blinded by thirst, Garm drank from the heaven-sent pool unaware of the still heron in the center, simply resting atop the water.'

'The solitary heron spread its wings and straightened its neck. It was three times the height of a man and its presence demanded majesty. White feathers make up a heavenly plumage, rid of any impurities. And its golden crown invited awe. Garm said that it was as if it was untouched by the strife and violence in the world. That the opening in the mountainside was the gates to the world's sanctuary.'

'The Heron glanced at the young Garm. He was too weak to contest or even display suspicion, Garm accepted what was coming and closed his eyes to death's cold embrace. But then in a slight burn throughout his body, he opened his eyes only to find himself healed. A Path Beast healed him...'

'After resting and singing his respect for the Path Beast, Garm left the opening, never appearing before the beast again…'

"Osias, the mountain we are on stretches far towards where we need to go, connecting to a small range. The end of the range is the mountain we must reach to find the Heron. There you will be healed I hope." Kiran said, returning him to reality.

"Mm, It'll take about another five days right elder brother?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly in surprise at the quick reply, Kiran responded, "More or less... Did you take into account our pace?"

"Yes, and I still remember what the Band Leader has told me of the Heron."

"Good, well done."

Turning back, Osias once again returned to watching their rear.

Looking up, the sky was barren tonight. Boundless and endless, the black of night eclipsed them all, eerily so.

But Osias had to get used to such sights. No longer was he sheltered in the confines of his home.

Suddenly as Kiran crossed a fissure and prepared to scale the sides of a cliff, a brisk wind cut the air.

'Cold.' Osias thought with a shiver.

It was the middle of summer, yet the mountains were always cold, especially at night.

Although he is an Ordinary, Osias's body is much stronger than average.

The Path of Blood is the reason for this.

All of those born of blood were gifted with the Innate Ability of Blood Reave, even the Ordinary can absorb the blood essence of other living beings.

…However, this comes at the cost of each child born under the Path of Blood without any essence. Each infant on this Path inherits an immensely small essence reservoir. It was found in a mother who felt no drain within her womb throughout her pregnancy — the babe was stillborn, but the elders found only a faint trickle of essence within the husk.

But it was only natural to begin with such. Had the infant been born with essence reservoirs the same size as even the most lacking child of another Path then more premature deaths would occur.

More mothers would be unable to sustain the drain of the essence, killing both the infant and themselves.

Weak mothers may have their own children within the womb and kill them before they are even born. Hence, most mothers are provided with an excess of essence when expecting…

Once birthed, these blood-born children vary greatly in skill and connection. Some have yet to utilize their innate ability. Some cannot control it — constantly draining their own mothers to the brink of death.

Those who have yet to use their innate ability or have used little are born weak, small, sickly, and ill. Most notable was a small reservoir.

The same goes for children who do not have access to sources of blood essence in their adolescence, they grow skinny and ghastly.

But Osias was blessed to be born at such a time that the Red Sky was experiencing immense growth, no longer troubled with a lack of essence, and was born stronger. His mother was provided with sources of the essence, even more than others… He was told that he came out of the womb with a larger reservoir and that he was greedy with his mother. Even in his adolescence, he was provided abundantly for.

As a result, the possibilities for growth are boundless.

As they mature and grow, this pool increases over time as long as the child constantly feeds it to absorb blood essence.

The constant influx of blood essence erodes the walls of this reservoir and increases the amount of essence contained within the body.

The essence saturates and seeps into the body, increasing its strength. You become faster and stronger, and even senses are improved.

However, surpassing Ordeals remains the most absolute method of obtaining these advantages, the yields of the Blood Path require time and patience…

As Kiran slowly scaled the rugged cliffs, careful to not misplace his limbs on a false hold, Osias's hands traced his own chest.

Covered in tattoos, just like Kiran, the pair of brothers looked out of place in the desolate mountain and the bleak sky. It didn't feel right for humans to walk this land.

'Did we deserve this?' Osias thought to himself.

Again and again, Osias's thoughts strayed to this question. Perhaps it was punishment.

They were wandering through the dreaded Outer Valleys, tired and injured. Their home was destroyed and their people were lost.

"Brother?" Osias called out. His words were stifled and the wind washed the volume.

"What is it?" Kiran replied curtly between breaths.

"Do you... Do you think mother and father are still alive? Do you think some of the Band could run and escape like us?"

Kiran paused his climb, and only the whistle of wind sounded from the expanse.

For what could be minutes, Kiran finally responded, "No. It's impossible. They too were part of the inheritance, if anything they live inside us."

Driving essence to the fingers on his left hand, Kiran dug into the rocks with his bare hands and let go of his other hand.

Hanging off with one hand, he reached behind his back to Osias, "Their blood essence was given to us. All we can do is keep moving."

'It will take him a while until he can come to terms with everything, but time will tell...' Kiran silently thought.

Continuing forward, Kiran sped up the pace and deftly used slight amounts of essence to move faster.

Eventually, Kiran's feet connected with the ground again, and Osias was no longer dangling from his back.

But before they continued the march north, the rest called their names, and the pair of brothers strained themselves to find a suitable camp, remote and obscure.

Finding a slight opening within the stone, spacious enough to encompass both of them, even considering Kiran's immensely large frame, they entered their night's reprieve.

Safe from roaming Path Beasts and still elevated above the mist, Kiran unfastened the latched Osias and set him down gently atop the smooth, almost concave groove in the stone below.

"How do you fare?"

"I'm fine, brother."

"Mm. No fire tonight, forgive me, little brother."

Shaking his head, Osias dismissed Kiran in understanding.

'It's already fortunate enough to rest undeterred.' Osias thought.

The week they entered and traversed the Outer Valleys, they discarded any possible means of detection wherever they could.

He never allowed his eyes to wander afar in case an old and powerful Path Beast could sense his gaze. Withdrawing open flames was obviously included.

They were alone.

An army or even powerful battalions of Path Finders leading a campaign in the wish to conquer the Outer Valleys could disregard such actions, but Kiran and Osias cannot afford the risks here.

Draping a spare roughspun cloak over Osias, Kiran said quietly, "Are your legs getting any worse?"

"I'm losing feeling, brother. But it'll be over soon, right?"

"We can only wish… Now sleep."

Rolling over to his side, Osias tucked himself deeper into the warm cloak coupled with the thick garments above.

Soft and pleasant, and eventually his eyes grew tired. It became difficult to keep them open.

But a certain thought crept into his mind and edged towards his mouth.

Still facing away from Kiran, Osias asked, "Brother...? Where did you go for so long?"

A long pause followed.

Long enough for Osias's eyes to droop and welcome the cold embrace of sleep.

But just as he did, Kiran responded quietly, "Do you mean my First Ordeal, Osias? Can you even remember that far long ago?"

A quiet and short chuckle left his lips, and with a somber huff, Kiran dropped the conversation.

"Sleep Osias. Be ready for tomorrow."

'My First Ordeal... huh.' Kiran wistfully thought as he rubbed his rugged wrists.