Death Storm (Part-1)

The guards' leader didn't believe them, so he decided to consult his superiors in the city. "Wait here," he said before leaving to seek guidance.

Kaleb showed no annoyance and, along with the others, waited patiently. After a while, the guard returned with a surprisingly elderly man, so frail that even walking seemed difficult for him. 

An elderly man with a kind smile nodded to them and said, "Sorry for the inconvenience, but the situation here is tense, so you need to take some measures." Kaleb and others nodded in understanding, and with that, the elderly man took out a small crystal ball. 

"It can find what you are saying, true or false."

After hearing what the small crystal can do, all of their expression changed a little, but they immediately controlled their expression.

No matter what, they all had secrets that they didn't want to share, and items like the truth crystal were so bad for them that they wanted to remain as far as possible.