
The first mock exams were about to start and the 3rd years were nervously waiting for the teacher to start the exams.

Lu Fan was sitting there with a dull look as he questioned why he was even there but it could not be helped. He was doing this for Chen Lu.

She, like many other parents, hoped that her child could pass well and get a good job and stable future.

Even after seeing what Lu Fan was doing with Li Lin, she was still working hard and saving for his college fees. Lu Fan even wondered what she would feel if he paid for his own tuition when the time came. Maybe he should let her pay and then find a way to return the funds. That won't work. She would start saving for his dowry.


"Everyone, get ready. The exam will take 2 hrs. You can continue with other papers if you finish ahead of time. Now, start."

The sound of deep breathing and the turning of paper filled the room. Lu Fan watched as his fellow students displayed different expressions and could not help but let out a silent chuckle. It was rather cute.

His [Teacher] talent gave him a different perspective on school life and he could read all the people present like a book. It was kind of funny how students took the exams like they were some kind of disaster. Compared to the problems out there…

Lu Fan decided to start his paper. It was best if he finished early so that he could start daydreaming about his future plans. The rate of his development was too rapid and he was running out of things to do.

{Suggestions Please.}

There were three papers that would be done today, and the rest would be done the following day and the day after that. The third day was for the special subjects which had nothing to do with him so he just had two days of exams.

His pe breezed through the paper as he tried hard not to add unnecessary notes that would typically only be found on a marking scheme. Answer after answer appeared on his paper almost subconsciously as most of his brain was thinking about possible variations of the questions, their possible solutions, and the challenges that they would pose to students when answering.

'Maybe I should make a testing website? It would go a long way in helping my E-Library.'

His idea of digitizing books had gone better than he had expected. Unlike other platforms that had to be overly strict on their budget and resources, Lu Fan did not have such requirements. As long as the job was done well, he was willing to pay 10 yuan per hour for every thousand words.

That was an insane deal and many youngsters were jumping at the offer. It was very difficult to find such a good job that had such a small entry threshold.

It was especially popular among high schoolers. His only requirement was that they had to be 16+ old and know how to use a computer.

It was not very hard.

It did not take 15 minutes to finish the test and he looked through it a couple of times. It was obligatory. You can't teach what you don't practice and all that.

After doing all that, he started drifting off as he refined his plans and looked for ways to optimize what he was already doing.

There was no need to hurry and hand over the test paper. He could not leave the school even if he finished early. The only thing that he could do was go to the library but did he need that?

It was better to enjoy the view outside his window.

Lu Fan had done a couple of things that were honestly unimaginable to the previous him.

He had made his mother's restaurant a hundred times more profitable and it was still improving. With Chen Lu's advancement in skill, she managed to turn the hotpot joint into an exclusive and luxurious restaurant.

The place had developed so much that the old building was no longer enough even with the measures that Lu Fan had put in place.

It had even reached a point where the regulars were demanding that they stop developing. They did not want to have new customers coming to take their spot and were even trying to convince Chen Lu to pull down her door sign so that nobody new would know that there was a restaurant there.

But what to do about the tantalizing aroma?

Lu Fan found the whole thing very funny.

As for expansion, that would have to wait. His mother was already working herself rugged. He did not want her to get any busier than she already was.

They had hired a couple of chefs to help but Lu Fan still thought that it was not enough. If there was any expansion, then it was to turn the joint into a franchise. But then, who was going to prepare the soup bases?

'I need to buy a building.'

Another thing that had changed was his writing. He had started by writing novels, but now all he did was write outlines, guidelines, and templates for his studio.

It was easier, but it required a lot of attention.

The studio had recruited a lot of talent in literature, but none were experienced enough to take on these burdens. If Li Lin was not as active as she was, he might have already given up on the idea. The good thing though, was that the studio had attracted a lot of attention from upcoming talents.

Every time Lu Fan saw the number of talents that came to the studio, he would start drooling over the tags he saw floating over their heads. It couldn't be helped.

He had tried copying talents as he did with An Xing'er at the start, but all he could get were white talents even if the original talent was of a higher grade.

When he copied An Xing'er's golden [Singing] talent, it directly cost him a million yuan but he only got a white [Singing] talent. It was depressing.

He knew that his singing was terrible, but did it really have to cost so much just for a white talent? It was more economical to just start from scratch and use 1000 yuan instead.

But thinking about it, there were talents that could not be acquired through practice. Something like Fatty Tang's [Appetite]. How could such a talent be acquired through practice?

Not that he wanted it, but you get the picture.