Chapter 5 Return to inherit the Consotium

"I'm ready to return and take on the responsibility and inherit the consortium."

Her grandfather's face lit up with joy, and he let out a hearty laugh as if he had just heard the most wonderful news in the world. He nodded enthusiastically as he chuckled.

Even Athena was overjoyed to hear Hera's determined declaration, her eyes welling up with emotion. She couldn't bear the thought of her best friend meeting a cruel fate due to Minerva's schemes. Athena knew that if Hera allowed this situation to continue unchecked, it would lead to disastrous consequences.

Hera glanced in Athena's direction and offered her a reassuring smile. She could sense Athena's thoughts and concerns, understanding exactly what was on her mind.

"Do you have a solution to this issue, Hera?" Athena asked, her concern evident. She was hesitant to let Hera roam the streets, especially now that she had received threats. The possibility of someone actually throwing sulfuric acid at Hera was a terrifying reality.

Hera nodded slowly, her expression determined. She reached for her phone on the side table, tapping on it a few times before setting it down again. Giving her best friend and grandfather a reassuring smile, she felt a sense of resolve. However, her moment of tranquility was short-lived as her phone suddenly rang. Answering it, she listened as her manager's cold voice delivered the harsh blow, "Don't bother coming back to work. You're fired."

Similar calls from her other managers, each delivering the same blunt message, came in rapid succession. They didn't even wait for her response or provide an opportunity for questions.

It appeared that Minerva was leaving Hera with no way out, severing her ties to society and seemingly wishing for her demise. Ironically, Hera no longer needed to rely on anyone else for employment. What Minerva did only fueled her resolve to show no mercy toward the cheating couple.

She sneered as she glanced at her phone. If it were anyone else, they'd be facing the prospect of starvation without a job. Hera couldn't help but marvel at Minerva's cruelty.

Her grandfather tenderly stroked her hair, his eyes filled with visible heartache. "My dear child, you've endured so much," he said with deep empathy.

Hera's smile was tender as she sweetly leaned into her grandfather's embrace, playfully clinging to his arm. "Grandpa, with you by my side, there's nothing to worry about. Hehehe," she chirped, her eyes forming crescents of contentment.

"Silly child." The old man felt happy seeing his grandchild like this.

Athena was also happy for the two of them and decided to fully support her best friend.

"Grandpa, Athena called you here, didn't she?!" Hera accused, her lips forming a playful pout as she glanced teasingly at Athena.

"Good child, don't blame Athena. She was worried that you would be bullied to death by your ex."

"I don't blame her. I'm already grateful to have her as a friend. Plus, I was just about to call you myself, begging you to take me back," Hera said with a grin, flashing her teeth in a playful manner.

"Riiight!!!! I was just running errands for you," Athena replied with equal playfulness, matching Hera's tone.

The two locked eyes and burst into laughter, their bond palpable in the air. In that moment, Hera felt her pain dissolve, replaced by the unwavering loyalty of Athena and the boundless love of her grandfather.

"Since you've made the decision to return, I'll lend you Alfonse for the time being and arrange for your own personal assistant. Anything you need, just let him handle it for you," Grandpa declared with a firm tone.

"Furthermore, I'll arrange for someone to train you, so you'll be well-prepared when you eventually take over the consortium. I'm still able to manage for a few more years, allowing you the freedom to explore and enjoy yourself while you undergo training," Grandpa added, his voice filled with determination and care. After a pause, he continued. "Just remember, don't let anyone bully you anymore," Grandpa emphasized, his tone carrying a mixture of authority and concern.

Hera nodded eagerly, resembling a chick pecking at its feed. "I won't let anyone bully me, not now, not ever. You can count on it, Grandpa!" she affirmed with determination in her voice.

Her grandfather chuckled heartily before departing, his bodyguards trailing behind him. Alfonse remained standing, awaiting Hera's instructions with a respectful demeanor.

Hera was still thinking of her next action when she received a bank notification on her phone.

[You received a $100,000,000,000 money transfer to your account ending in #### ]

[Note: My dear granddaughter, use this pocket money to treat yourself to anything you desire. Don't be frugal, and if you spend it all, don't hesitate to ask me for more.]

Hera's eyes widened in disbelief as she repeatedly counted the zeros, double and triple-checking to ensure she had the number correct.

"Oh my!" Her mouth hung open in astonishment.

Curious, Athena stepped closer and discreetly peeked at Hera's phone to see what had her so excited. But after seeing it for herself, she was shaken to the core. She had never witnessed such a vast sum before. Even though her mother is a world-renowned wedding dress designer, and their company thrives within the fashion industry, achieving remarkable success and acclaim their family's assets only amounted to hundreds of millions. Hera's family wealth was on another level entirely.

She secretly gave Old Master Avery a thumbs up in her heart. For the Avery clan, the sky is the limit, indeed and her imagination is limited.

The idea that Minerva Briley would dare to bully the heiress of Avery seemed not only foolish but also amusing to Athena. She couldn't help but anticipate the entertaining spectacle that was sure to unfold.

"Young miss, Master has requested your presence at the main house in two days' time to meet your instructor," Alfonse respectfully informed Hera.

Hera nodded, but then the realization dawned on her that she no longer had a home. She turned to Alfonse and requested, "Uncle Alfonse, could you please assist me in finding a suitable place to live?"

"Right, there's that problem! In the meantime, you can stay with me," Athena offered generously.

Grateful, Hera nodded at Athena's offer. Despite having the means to spend lavishly, she couldn't bring herself to do so at the moment. Truth be told, she was deeply affected by what had transpired between her and Alexi. Admitting to herself that she was hurt by his betrayal, Hera realized that she needed time to process her emotions and come to terms with the reality before she could move forward with her life.

It was only natural for her to feel down; after all, she had invested her time, effort, and sincere affection to Alexi. She acknowledged the validity of her emotions and understood that denying them would only hinder her ability to heal and move on. Hera was determined to sever all ties with Alexi and Minerva, recognizing that holding onto resentment would only prolong her pain and hinder her progress.

Upon being discharged from the hospital, Hera found herself surrounded by well-trained bodyguards, providing a protective shield against any potential threats from Alexi's fans. Silently, they escorted her home to Athena's condo.

After entering the door, Hera wearily removed her shoes and slipped into a pair of indoor slippers from the shoe cabinet, moving with familiarity as she headed straight to the living room to take a seat.

Meanwhile, Athena made her way to the kitchen to fetch Hera a glass of water. Handing the warm water to Hera, she inquired, "When do you plan to address the trending topics?"

After taking a sip from the glass, Hera placed it on the coffee table before responding, "No rush. Minerva will likely keep them circulating for as long as possible to make my life miserable." Leaning back against the soft cushion, she continued, "Let them simmer for a while. It'll only make her fall from her high horse even more satisfyingly when we counter it." Hera flashed a devilish smirk.

Athena couldn't help but giggle; this was the Hera she knew well—the true lioness. She had always seen Hera as the offspring of a lioness and a tiger, fierce and determined. Just like her mother and father.

She only concealed her true nature because she didn't want to meet the same fate as the Hera in the book.

That's right, Hera was just a character in a book, a mere cannon fodder. She discovered that she was destined to meet a miserable end, serving as Minerva's stepping stone to elevate her own seamless love life with Alexi.