Chapter 34 I can't do it

"Have a wonderful day, my dear," the Old Master affectionately advised his granddaughter before he departed for the office. Soon, he would be embarking on his overseas business trip.

"Grandpa, please take care on your way, don't overexert yourself, and remember to eat your meals and take your vitamins, okay?" Hera lovingly reminded her grandfather before they parted ways.

The Old Master chuckled heartily, his granddaughter's caring words warming his heart like a roaring fire. With a nod of agreement, he gently patted her on the head before bidding her farewell and setting off on his way.

"Young miss, let me escort you to your destination," Cindy offered, following closely behind Hera and Athena.

"It's alright, Cindy. We'll have the driver take us to the car dealership to pick up Athena's car. I know you have other tasks to attend to, so there's no need for you to accompany us closely for my convenience," Hera assured, gently placing a hand on Cindy's arm.