Chapter 40 Shopping

"Babe! Who was that stunning flower?!" Athena exclaimed, bounding over to where Hera stood and clinging to her like a koala.

"Oh? Did you forget already? That was Doctor Everett, my attending physician from the last time you sent me to the hospital," Hera replied, looking puzzled.

"Huh?! Was he? I don't recall seeing him in the hospital room when I took you there. And trust me, I wouldn't forget a handsome man if I saw one," Athena mused, still pondering the memory.

"Perhaps that's when you stepped out to make a call?" Hera suggested, offering a possible explanation.

Athena then recalled that she had indeed stepped out to call the Old Master and buy food for Hera. She felt vexed that she had missed seeing him at that time. "Ha! What a bummer," she remarked, letting go of the topic and shifting her focus. "What drinks did you get?"