Chapter 116 You're not as Useful as Me

Upon hearing Minerva's voice, Hera halted in her tracks, turning her attention to the dining table where Minerva and Alexi were seated. She couldn't help but notice Alexi's glum expression gradually brightening as he caught sight of her looking in his direction, a smile slowly spreading across his lips.

Hera gave Alexi only a fleeting glance before meeting Minerva's eyes squarely. She snorted in amusement. "Just because you don't know how to hunt doesn't mean we don't," she remarked, her tone carrying a hint of sarcasm. Casting a brief glance around at the other participants, she continued, "We aren't as shameless as some people who feign weakness in front of the villagers for sympathy just to snag a free meal. We hunted our own prey." With that, she ascended the stairs, intent on taking a shower. Before doing so, however, she ensured that everyone had finished preparing their dinner, only then beginning her own preparations.