Chapter 118 Practice What You Preach

"I do," Hera replied, her voice carrying a soft chuckle that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze of the summer noon, its tone soothing and pleasant to the ear. However, the content of her words was far from comforting, something they didn't want to hear.

The other participants were taken aback, unsure how to respond to Hera's unexpected reaction. Before they could gather their thoughts, Hera continued speaking.

"Don't you see the double standard here?" she questioned, her tone calm yet firm. "When my team and I were graciously invited by the villagers to share a meal, you all were up in arms, crying unfairness. But now that it's your turn, suddenly it's justifiable because Alice isn't feeling well? Regardless of the circumstances, shouldn't you lead by example and practice what you preach?"