Chapter 122 Fire

As Rafael reprimanded his subordinate for causing the issue, Xavier remained silently waiting for Hera to emerge from her room. When she finally did, he quietly trailed behind her until she reached the bathroom.

The other participants lingered in the living room and dining area. Xavier narrowed his eyes as he glanced around before leaning against the bathroom door, patiently awaiting for Hera to finish her bath in silence.

Hera, on the other hand, understood that Xavier's presence outside the bathroom door was a protective measure, aimed at preventing others from picking fights with her when she was alone. Despite this assurance, she couldn't shake off a sense of restlessness, knowing that Xavier was waiting just outside.

As she sat in the bathtub, washing away the day's grime, Hera felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. The earlier scene replayed in her mind incessantly, highlighting Xavier's unwavering protectiveness.