Chapter 131 Clean the Pig Pen

"You seem to be doing fine," Hera remarked, her eyebrows twitching slightly as Xavier's demeanor reignited her competitive spirit.

Xavier's smile only widened upon hearing Hera's 'compliment' about his efficiency, further irritating her. She felt Xavier was being smug, which prompted her to briskly trot away to her next destination.

Xavier watched her silently as she walked away, a faint pout lingering on her lips. His eyes crinkled with delight at her reaction. Only after she disappeared from view did he turn around to continue on his own path.

Observing Xavier's progress, Hera's determination and competitive spirit flared up. She hastened to the pig pen, where she required the next item. Fortunately, Bry had given her a tour of the village upon her arrival, so she didn't waste much time locating the specific facilities and such.