Chapter 144 Being Fed Dog Food

Xavier's heart skipped a beat, his eyes darkening at Hera's words. The sight of her sweet smile ignited a longing within him, a desire to taste the softness of those lips that seemed to radiate warmth and affection. Locking eyes with her, he leaned in closer, his gaze intense and filled with unspoken passion.

He then planted a gentle kiss on Hera's cheek, his bangs lightly brushing against her eyelashes. Hera's left eye instinctively closed at the touch, lending the impression to onlookers that she was savoring the affectionate gesture from her fiancé.

With a soft, melodious chuckle, Xavier spoke, "Please be patient with me, my wife." His words were accompanied by an alluring smile that pierced straight into Hera's heart. She felt her stomach flutter, a ticklish sensation spreading throughout her body until it settled in her chest.