Chapter 187 Dream?

Hera released a sigh of relief as she reflected on her eventful day. From the victorious celebration to the unexpected visit from the male leads, it had been a whirlwind of activity. Despite her efforts to appear unruffled, she couldn't deny the nervousness simmering beneath the surface. Each of the male leads possessed a unique aura and presence, along with distinct personalities that required her careful navigation. She harbored a fear that any misstep or oversight on her part could unravel her carefully laid plans.

Hera was uncertain if the male leads grasped the subtle message behind her liquor prank aimed at them. As she recalled the incident, a fleeting thought crossed her mind, too swift for her to grasp its significance. Exhausted from the day's events, she decided to abandon any attempts at deciphering it and allowed herself to sink into the comfort of her soft bed, seeking respite for her body and mind.