Chapter 205 The Revolving Restaurant

This incredible space was just the common area; the private rooms lay deeper within the restaurant. These exclusive rooms were always in high demand, perpetually booked months in advance—currently, reservations stretched into next year.

The outside area was bustling with guests, and as Hera and her companions were ushered into the private room, it was evident they belonged to the elite of the elite. Booking a private room wasn't something every wealthy individual could achieve; even securing a regular seat required connections.

Curiosity got the better of them, and they stole a few more glances at Hera's group. When they noticed the young minister among them, they quickly looked away, not wanting to create trouble for the minister or themselves. Meanwhile, Dave, in a particularly good mood, kept his eyes fixed solely on Hera. He watched her intently, as if Leo might suddenly swoop in and whisk her away, keeping vigil like a guard protecting against a potential thief.