Chapter 207 Who's Playing Favorites?

Dave's captivating storytelling held Hera and Leo spellbound, causing them to lose track of time. Unbeknownst to them, half an hour had already passed since they placed their orders, and now, their food had arrived. Servers entered the room one after another, wheeling in carts laden with dishes concealed beneath stainless steel domes, ensuring the warmth of the food remained preserved against the chill of the air conditioner.

The dishes were methodically placed on the table, each one handled with care. The woman overseeing the servers stood nearby, ensuring everything proceeded smoothly. As the last dish found its place, the servers began to filter out one by one. Soon, a distinguished middle-aged man entered, his hair impeccably combed back, a monocle adorning his left eye as he wheeled in a cart laden with bottles of red wine.