Chapter 212 I Want You

Lost in the heat of the moment, Hera's thoughts became hazy, consumed by the intense pleasure Leo was giving her. As her body quivered and convulsed, a rush of fluid escaped from her core, distinct from urine in both scent and texture. It sprayed onto Leo's hands, evidence of her release after he brought her to climax.

He did not shy away from it and let Hera cum continuously. "That's right, Hera, cum all over my hand for me." Leo's voice, thick with desire, filled Hera's ears as her eyes fluttered from the intensity of her climax. Despite the intoxicating pleasure, Leo maintained his composure, still only using his hand to bring Hera to ecstasy. Their ragged breaths mingled as Leo pressed another passionate kiss against her lips. However, as the euphoria began to fade, Hera sensed something amiss within her body.