Chapter 225 The Rightful Wife and The Mistress

But Leo, on the other hand, didn't bother to assert his significance in Hera's heart in front of his love rivals. Despite sensing their unwelcoming attitude and their apparent interest in his future wife, Leo couldn't care less about them at the moment. He was too preoccupied with his own nervousness and fear that Hera might come to hate him because of what happened earlier.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he scanned the room eagerly to see Hera. When he didn't find her there, a sense of emptiness and disappointment washed over him. Simultaneously, fear gripped his heart, worrying that Hera might be angry and avoiding him. He knew he needed to give her space to process everything, yet the uncertainty of her feelings weighed heavily on him. The mere thought of her hating him was enough to send a shiver down his spine; the idea of it shattered his heart into a million pieces before it even happened.