Chapter 385 Two Peas In A Pod

Zhane, being a skilled surgeon, was adept with his hands, unlike Luke and Rafael, who struggled even with simple tasks like peeling shrimp or managing their strength. Zhane's expertise required him to handle delicate procedures with precision and gentleness, akin to the light touch of a feather. This skill was crucial for performing complex surgeries, such as Bry's uncle's operation, which was challenging due to the extensive damage not only to the muscles but also to the nerves.

After witnessing Zhane effortlessly peel shrimp, Gerald immediately relaxed and began engaging in conversation with Dave, who was occupied with reaching for food and serving Hera. Gerald recounted the events at the Dragon Palace Hotel involving Alexi, a story Dave had been eager to hear. He described how he and Zhane had rushed to assist Hera, and how Zhane had ended up being pinned down by the unhinged Alexi, among other details.