Waking up with a hangover from drinking the night before Ji Kuai rushed over to find Tian Yi, Tian Yi who was sitting around enjoying a a cup of hot tea asked Ji Kuai "What's up?" Ji Kuai said "We should go see if anyone has shown up - Good morning miss Yue Hua." - "Work flies out the window when you see a beautiful maiden" Tian Yi teases Ji Kuai as both of them get ready to go out. "Here have some food before you guys leave." Mei Lan and Xiao Hua walk over to give Tian Yi and Ji Kuai some food. Zhen Ai and Yue Hua walk over with side dishes. "Why's everyone being so friendly today?" Tian Yi asks. Ji Kuai notices Zhen Ai's hands and *Voice transmission to Tian Yi* "Zhen Ai's hands look a bit tattered up" Tian Yi looks over at Zhen Ai's hands and asks her what happened.
"Huhu, Zhen Ai wanted to try cooking this morning." Mei Lan chimed in, Tian Yi takes Zhen Ai's hands and heals them. To everyones surprise they all collectively realize that he's oblivious to customs and etiquette. Zhen Ai's face is now bright red. Tian Yi touches her forehead and asks if she's okay…. "Oh no you're burning up!" - *cough* "Hey Tian Yi how long do you plan on holding her hands?" Ji Kuai asks. Tian Yi- "Oh sorry, i thought you were sick" Tian Yi says as he releases her hands. And Zhen Ai runs back to get more food. Tian Yi looks back at Ji Kuai trying hard to keep in his laughter. "What did i do?" - "Ah never mind, you're a hermit after all." Soon after, Mr. Xue Qin walks over to the table and asks' "can i join you- Oh my! Who is this? Where's Tian Yi?" Mei Lan fills him in and tells him that, that's Tian Yi. "Wow he really cleaned up!"
"Sure, go ahead lets eat." Tian Yi answers. "On my way here i saw that Zhen Ai's face was bright red, would she be sick perhaps?" Ji Kuai fills mr. Xue Qin in on what happened and everything clicks. "Hm, mhm i see. So thats why.", seeing that everyone knows something Tian Yi gets suspicious. "Come on! Tell me what did i do?" everyone collectively stays silent as Zhen Ai comes back out to eat. She mutters "dummy."
Everyone tries hard to not burst into laughter. Tian Yi still oblivious just shrugs it off and continues to eat. After eating, Mr. Xue Qin walks over to talk to Tian Yi and explains what Zhen Ai's actions were and what they meant. Tian Yi's face goes pale. "So that was, what it means…" Tian Yi walks over to Zhen Ai and apologizes "I'm sorry that i grabbed your hands without permission…." - Blushing "I-it's fine, J-Just don't do it again." Tian Yi's relieved and they talk for a while. After the talk he sees Ji Kuai sneaking glances at Yue Hua, as she's walking along he casts a small rock to trip Yue Hua.
Like clockwork, Yue Hua falls and Ji Kuai saves her and both of them blush. Tian Yi reveals himself and asks Yue Hua to be careful. And walks along to the pond near by. Seeing everything happen Mei Lan and mr. Xue Qin say to each other, "looks like both of them are completely oblivious to the girls, yet each of them know how to tease one another. What a predicament." They both agree. Ji Kuai soon catches up with Tian Yi asking him "Why did you trip Yue Hua?" - "I don't know what you're talking about." Tian Yi denies Ji Kuai's accusation.
Let's head out. Tian Yi says, "Lets go" they prepare to leave and are sent off by the girls. As they move out of the painting, a member of the Beggars sect comes and delivers a message. "Leader! The Martial Alliance is requesting to see you." Ji Kuai acknowledges and head to the Martial Alliance with Tian Yi. On their way, both of them walking together get stopped multiple times by girls and men who want to wed their daughters to them. Seeing how dignafied they look walking together, people could'nt help but wonder who they were.
As they get to the Martial Alliance building they're stopped by the guards and are asked for their identities. Ji Kuai shows his Beggars sect token and the guard has a hard time believing that they are guests but juding by the way they look and how they present themselves he lets them through. Going in, they meet up with the Martial Alliance Branch Leader the Branch Leader wonders who they are and why they're there to meet them, "Who are you? I have no time to entertain you. I have guests waiting!"
Tian Yi and Ji Kuai look at eachother and are confused. Ji Kuai says "Sir, i'm Ji Kuai from the Beggars sect and next to me is the Wandering Sage sir." Showing his identification token, The Brach leader gets shocked but also accepts. He says "you should'nt change your appearances that much. People might mistake you for not being who you say you are. I can agree on the Wandering Sage's appearance but not a man from the Beggar Sect that looks too dignified." Ji Kuai replies, "after these meetings are over i plan on joining the Sage on his journey sir." - the Alliance Branch Leader looks shocked but seems to welcome the idea of wandering with the Sage.
Tian Yi just sighing in his head he asks Ji Kuai "What is all this about?" Ji Kuai replies, "Since you killed the Blood Cult Leader without receiving mortal injuries that can be a testament to your strength. And quite frankly, i have never seen anyone as strong as you. To be able to kill the Blood Cult Leader i can only say you're a sage. Strength is the only thing people respect. More so because this is the Martial Alliance where strength rules all. You see, people who can fight are different to those who know martial arts. Knowing to fight is just a way to make a living but Martial Arts is a way of living."
"That's why, to be able to travel with a sage means that you get to learn from the most powerful Martial Masters, that's why it's considered a blessing. Not many people would get the chance for it." Tian Yi replies, "if it's such a blessing, then shouldn't you be more respectful to me?" As Ji Kuai hears this, he gets nervous, "i'm just pulling your legs. I know you're traveling with me because you want to stay with Yue Hua." - "Oh come on man…". Tian Yi smirks and says "we're here to see guests, lets go then.
As they walk along, everyone feels a tremendous pressure trying to suppress them. They look at Tian Yi *confused* "why are you guys kneeling?". "Can't you feel the pressure?" - "Yeah but it's not that bad for me, i sense a powerful person is on the other side of that door. How should i carry myself?" - "Respectfully." Ji Kuai replies.
Tian Yi, "To the Master that's releasing his aura, could you please let the other two walk at least?" The master hearing this, releases his aura. "Come in." The three of them walk in and see 4 Martial Alliance masters. Tian Yi and Ji Kuai bow to greet them but the Branch Leader tells Tian Yi he doesn't need to bow. "I'll just do it as it's customary." He says. They lift up their heads. The Branch Leader. "we're here as per your orders sir". The masters, "Let us make sure of something." The masters release their full aura, suppressing everyone in the vicinity, but Tian Yi is still standing unfazed. With a wave of his hand Tian Yi wipes away the aura. "Is there a reason you need to do this?"
The masters are stunned that their pressure did not work. One of them even not accepting that a man looking to be not more than 25 could withstand the pressure from a master who has had a lifetime of refinement and practice, he his blood-thirst at Tian Yi. Tian Yi looks at Ji Kuai shivering at the blood-thirst and Tian Yi swipes it away. The master shouts "INSOLENCE" and motions to draw his sword Tian Yi *blinks* in front of him and stops him from drawing his sword. Everyone is stunned because none of them even saw Tian Yi move as he seemingly vanished and re-appeared.
"Sir, i was trying to be as respectful as i could be. Yet here you are trying to harm me just because i wont yield to you. I'll say it right here, i do not plan to be in any race against you for superiority, in social status, or rank. I'm only here to explain the situation where i had to kill the Blood Cult Leader. If you're concerned about where i stand, i'll announce it here. I do not plan to cause chaos. I'm only here to keep the innocent safe from Tyranny, needless sacrifice and slaughter. When people like you fight for power and fame, have you thought of the sacrifices of those who are powerless? Those who try to survive under the shadow of those who wage war without even blinking an eye?"
With each word said by Tian Yi, his aura grew stronger and stronger. When he asked about the masters fight for power, his aura had already surpassed and suppressed the master. And with each word after that, his blood-thirst was enough to destroy master several times over. And yet, Tian Yi never had the slightest intention to do so. "Sir Sage, please let him go. He just can't control his ego at times like this." A voice from behind a curtain spoke out. The voice revealing herself to be an elder of the Martial Alliance. "Could i ask for proof that you killed the Cult Leader yourself?" She asked, Tian Yi pulls out the severed head and shows her. As she examines it she confirms that it's indeed the Blood Cult Leader. "If you're done, i'm going to finish him off."
"How do you mean?" The elder asks, "Like this." Tian Yi motions at the hand and pulls out its remaining soul and burns it all to a crisp. "Now he's just another figure lost to time.". Everyone is shocked and Tian Yi asks Ji Kuai "hand them the cult leaders broken plaque.". Ji Kuai does so, - "I'll say this again, i have no intention of power, fame or fortune. I only wish to see everyone free from pain and suffering." - "Amitabha. Your honesty is something quite rare to see from people these days. Your only wish is to keep people from suffering. If i may, could i know your name?" - seeing the monk come in Tian Yi respectfully replies his name "My name is Tian Yi sir." - "hohoho, you are a rare person indeed. I hear that you have killed the Blood Cult leader?" - "yes sir." - "may i ask how you were able to kill him?"
As the monk was polite and respectful Tian Yi explained everything to him in great detail. "....that's all sir." - after Tian Yi recounted the events, including the beginning and how he started investigating, everyone came to the realization that Tian Yi really did everything in order to shield the people. "Seeing such a young man walk the noble path is truly refreshing." Another man chimed in. "Ji Kuai greets the Sect Master." - "Hoho isn't this little Ji Kuai." Tian Yi looks over to see the sect master of the Beggars Sect. - "was that really all to the fight with the cult leader? The cult leader must have been injured before the fight right?" - "Yes sir, he was injured during the blast i used to kill the Vice Cult Leader. That's why he had to go to the Blue Wolf sect to treat his injuries." - "I see. You put an end to the cult leader and even the vice leader. Normally people would want all sorts of rewards they could get and boast about it for life. Yet here you are not wanting a thing. I want to give you a reward just for that, tell me what do you want"
"It's alri-" "No, i insist. I can't let you leave without giving you a reward at least." *voice transmission from Ji Kuai* "Just ask for a storage ring or something. The Sect Master is incredibly stubborn." - "I'd like 5 storage rings then Sect Master, and also as many of those stones there too." bowing respectfully. "Storage rings sure, but the stones? What for?" - "I just like them sir." - everyone is stunned at Tian Yi's request "Rocks and storage rings, That's it?" - "These rocks, you can find them everywhere though. And what do you need so many storage rings for?" - "The people i care for carry many things around in the day, i just want things to be easier for them sir. As for the rocks i'd like to pick them out myself if possible."
With everyone still stunned at his requests the Beggars Sect Master agreed and the monk had a grin on his face. "Come back to the beggars sect in a while, i'll prepare your rewards for you and i'll send it with Ji Kuai" - "Tian Yi, when you have the time, please make sure to visit the Shaolin Temple. We also wish to give you a few rewards." - Tian Yi "Yes sir, if i may excuse myself.". Ji Kuai, "Just go ahead first i'll meet up with you in a while, i've got something to talk to the Sect Master about." - "Alright i'll be at the market then, i'll go buy some food and some snacks for little Xiao Hua." - "Let me guess, another two carts of meat and vegetables?" - "Yuhp" - "I'm sorry young one, but i couldn't help but over hear. Why are you going to buy 2 carts of food?" The monk asks. *voice transmission to Ji Kuai* "who's this monk? He's been here a while." - "Thats the Abbot of Shaolin." - "ah is see wha- the Abbot? Is he trustworthy?" - "He's the most trustworthy out of the people here." - "alright".
"ah, i'm caring for a few people that i've saved from the northern villages sir." - "I don't see them with you though? Are they resting at an inn?" - "It'll be easier for me to show you sir, if you'd follow me." The Abbot walks with Tian Yi, in front of the Martial Alliance awaits his disciples. "Do you mind if they tag along?" - "Only if you trust them sir." - "you needn't worry i trust them with my life." - "Not to be disrespectful sir but, please keep everything you see a secret when we get there. I don't plan on having them in harms way." - "you're making this suspenseful for this old monk hoho." Tian Yi greets the other monks and walks to the market to buy meat and vegetables.
They then walk to the Beggars sect and goes to Ji Kuai's quarters. With the monks and food now at the quarters Tian Yi pulls out his painting. "That can't be." The monk says in disbelief. "Are we going into a painting?" - "Yes sir" Tian Yi replies as he summons his painting, the monks are struck with amazement as they see the painting open up. "This way sir."
Tian Yi leads them into the painting and the monks are filled with awe by the scenery and serenity. While they're in awe, Zhen Ai walks up to welcome them. "Tian Yi! you should have told us if we were going to bring back guests!" - "ahaha i'm sorry Zhen Ai, it sort of happened."- "Please bring them to the hall near the gazebo Tian YI, we'll prepare you some food. So entertain the guests!" - "alright alright~" - "This way please Abbot, disciples." - "hoho, this is unbelievable! To create such a peaceful place within a painting, not to mention it can also sustain life! It seems that you being a hermit sage was really true then." - "haha, Ji Kuai came up with the sage part sir, i'm only a wanderer looking to help piece back peoples daily lives." - "you don't need to be humble Tian Yi, you're the only one who can give life to a painting as far as i know. Even the Master of the Martial Alliance can't do this."
"Ah we're here sir." - "you have a nice view here." - "haha, thank you sir." As everyone gets seated in the hall, the monk asks Tian Yi "i've been meaning to ask you, when you fought the Cult leader, how did you manage to pierce his 'Blood Fortress' not to mention his 'Blood Demon Form'? Up until now only the elders and the Masters of the Alliance have been able to injure him in those forms." - "ah, i used a technique called 'True Flame' sir. It's a technique i use to purify the flames from my blades." - "Could you maybe show us?" - "I can,but we'll have to be outside," - "please lead the way then," Tian Yi leads them to a clearing and summons his blade. He chants "Ignite" and his blade burst into flames. The Abbots eyes widen. "Tian Yi, that move is very similar to our 'Origin Staff' technique. Did you learn it from somewhere?" The abbot now curious about Tian Yi "uh no sir but this isn't my 'True Flame' technique sir. This, is 'True flame'".
Tian Yi's True Flame blade ignites into a more refined silhouette encasing his blade in a brilliant white light spitting out white sparks as it burns. "That is scarily alike to our 'origin staff' do you mind if we spar?" - "Not at all sir," - "Fayun hand me my staff. Tian Yi i'll officially introduce myself. I am the Abbot of Shaolin and my name is Xiao Long or The Dragon Spirit Monk!" - "I'll officially introduce myself too sir, i am Tian Yi. Heavens Warrior. My name was given to me by Zhen Ai and those i saved!" - "Alright COME!" Tian Yi *blinks* to the side of the monk and slashes. The monk blocks getting pushed away. Tian Yi *blinks* again at the monk unleashing 'Dance of the weeping moon' he releases a wild flurry of strikes which the Abbot blocks with ease.
The abbot counterattacks with 'Tigers Roar' pushing Tian Yi back. The Abbot charges at Tian Yi, '8 Forms of the Descending Dragon, First Form!' The Abbot charges trying to pierce Tian Yi's defense, Tian Yi dodges and instinctively captures the Abbots arm as he's piercing, redirecting it using 'Scattering Stars' Tian Yi combo's it with 'Dance of the weeping moon' and releases his True Flame needles piercing the Abbot, "Abbot! Thats dangerous!" Fayun shouts. The abbot stops his monks from interfering, ripping off the top of his clothes he chants 'Iron Mountain Body' enveloping his body in a golden light. Tian Yi sees this and he ignites 4 needles paralyzing the Abbot and aiming his blade at one of his arms. "I lost." The Abbot admits defeat. "Sir Abbot, if i may say something," - "Go ahead," -
"regarding the '8 Forms Of Descending Dragon. When you used it, it felt incomplete sir." - "Yes it is, it's a Martial Art passed down through each generations Abbot. When it was my turn to inherit this technique, some parts of the technique were already lost to time. I've been trying my best to recreate the lost sequences but all to no avail." - "If i may sir, would you mind having another round with me?" - "huh? Sure, lets try it." Tian Yi releases his needles and switches to a wooden staff borrowed from one of the Abbots disciples. "Alright sir i'm starting, 'Dance of the weeping moon' " Tian Yi charges at the Abbot sending forth his flurry of strikes. The Abbot blocks them again and he uses '8 Forms Of Descending Dragon.'
The Abbot goes through the first sequence again and Tian Yi redirects the blows, the Abbot continues and Tian Yi keeps redirecting him. The Abbot notices this and changes his swings targeting Tian Yi's openings and realizes something. Tian Yi redirecting the blows feel more natural and have more follow-up opportunities which the Abbot tries. The Abbot looking like he's having the time of his life he finishes his first striking sequence and in a downward strike and the Shaolin bell tolls *TONG*, Tian Yi reflectively blocks the blow and redirects it into the ground leaving a scar on the field. The Abbot and his Disciples eyes widen as they realize that they've just sounded the Shaolin bell, which means the first true sequence is completed. They rush into a mediation ring and they break through simultaneously in their cultivation.
Tian Yi smiles as he realizes that he's helped the Shaolin Monks with their martial arts. Which brings him to realize that he promised to help Zhen Ai and Yue Hua start their martial arts journey. Seeing the monks meditate, he gets an idea and he writes down a cultivation method for Zhen Ai to naturally build a solid foundation and letting her cleanse her body and spirit of impurities. Naming it the 'Starlight Technique'. He then creates another cultivation method for Yue Hua which helps her with solidifying her foundations and cleansing her body and spirit, naming it 'Snowfall Technique'. Both techniques being able to benefit with the help of the 'Snowfall jade' which also purifies and condenses natural energy.
Tian Yi is happy to finish the start of Zhen Ai and Yue Hua's cultivation journeys. Tian Yi is grinning away when he notices the Abbot and his disciples finishing their meditation. "Congratulations Abbot Xiao Long! You and you're disciples have gotten stronger!" - "Hohoho seems like we received a gift from you. Thankyou for helping us rediscover our teachings Tian Yi. We will welcome you to Shaolin as a friend anytime." - Tian Yi bows to accept and says "I think our food is here, we should go before the food gets cold!" - "hoho, alright. Please lead the way!" The abbot chuckles to himself as he walks with his disciples following Tian Yi to the hall. They get there and just as their walking up, Zhen Ai, Yue Hua, Xiao Hua, Mei Lan and Mr. Xue Qin greet them. "Please have a seat Abbot, disciples." Tian Yi helps set up the table and turns to Zhen Ai and Yue Hua.
"Here, these are cultivation techniques that should help you build your foundations." He gives the 'Starlight technique' to Zhen Ai and 'Snowfall technique' to Yue Hua. Zhen Ai blushes as she happily receives it and Yue Hua gives Tian Yi a wide smile as she accepts hers. "Practice these techniques everyday. These will help you purify your body, spirit and Qi. It would be a bit messy at first because you've just started, but make sure you persevere and you'll achieve your goals." - "Xiao Hua wants one too!" Xiao Hua shouts! The Abbot " ! " , "Ohho? The little one is quite eager to learn at such a young age. They're sure to achieve great things when they grow. They're lucky to have The Sage guiding them hohoho." - "ahh sir abbot you're teasing me…." Tian Yi replies. "Lets Eat!"
Everyone sits down to have their meal and Tian Yi senses Ji Kuai outside the painting in his quarters. Tian Yi sticks his arm out of the painting and pulls Ji Kuai in to have lunch with them. (Conveniently putting him down right next to Yue Hua.) Ji Kuai is shocked as he gets pulled in conveniently next to Yue Hua. They both blush at each other and Ji Kuai sits up to greet the Shaolin Abbot and his disciples. He then gives Tian Yi the rewards he asked for from the Beggars Sect Master. *Voice Transmission to Ji Kuai* "You give Yue Hua one of the rings." Ji Kuai immediately gets flushed upon hearing it. Once everyone is finished eating, Tian Yi checks the rewards.
Tian Yi takes out the rings and places one in Mr. Xue Qin's hand as he walks by *Voice Transmission* "i know you like her, please give this to Ms. Mei Lan." Mr. Xue Qin gets flushed and nods to Tian Yi. Ji Kuai notices this and thinks to himself "no ones safe from him…" Tian Yi notices and says "Yep" passingly. Ji Kuai swings his head around and looks at Tian Yi full of determination and with a fire in his eyes he says *voice transmission* "i'll get you back some day!" Next, Tian Yi calls for Zhen Ai and asks for her hand. Zhen Ai gets flustered as she reaches out her hand. Tian Yi puts the ring on her and Zhen Ai overheats and Tian Yi is confused.
"Kuawahahaha You did it to yourself!" Ji Kuai laughs satisfyingly. Yue Hua quickly takes Zhen Ai and rushes back to their quarters. Lei Shi soon walks over to greet Tian Yi. "Hello Mister Warrior! I sense something good with you sir!" - "hmm? Something good?" Tian Yi asks, Lei Shi points to Tian Yi's ring "oh? In here? Lei Shi you must have a sense when it comes to looking for treasure! You're my little good luck charm!" Lei Shi smiles widely "hehe thats what my dad used to say when we went out to look for herbs!" - "so, where were you when we were eating?" Mei Lan chimes in "He ate a lot while i was cooking and he fell asleep after!" - little Lei Shi gets embarrassed, "This little one looks like he has talent for finding treasures!" The Abbot chimed in.
"Lets see what treasures there are shall we?" Tian Yi opens the storage ring and out pours rocks containing Snowfall Jade. "Oh wow! Thats a lot mister!" Lei Shi exclaims. The Abbot asks "Whats a lot? The rocks?" - "Looks like these rocks have a lot of Snowfall Jade sir" - "whats that? It looks like just ordinary rocks to me." Tian Yi picks up all of the rocks with Earth Qi and refines all of it into one giant lump of Snowfall Jade. The Abbot and his disciples are dumbfounded by what they just witnessed. "You'll get used to it if you travel more with him sir." - "It's a giant piece It's a giant piece!" Lei Shi jumps excitedly." A Table sized piece of Snowfall Jade forms in front of Tian Yi and he puts it away into his ring. "I didn't know you could refine rocks!" The Abbot exclaims. "How did you know that the jade was in there?" He asks "it's just something i'm drawn to sir i just like to collect it haha." - "Well to each their own i guess. I think it's about time for us to head back." The Abbot says.
"Alright then sir i'll send you out." - "Tian Yi, thankyou for your hospitality and if you ever get the chance please visit our Shaolin temple!" - "i'll do just that sir." Tian Yi and Ji Kuai send off the guests and return to the painting. "Tian Yi i have somethings i'd like to talk to you about." - "alright, lets go talk at the gazebo." They both head to the gazebo and sit down. Ji Kuai says "You know how i said that there was a power vacuum from killing the Blood Cult leader?" - "mhm" - "yeah, looks like the evil sects are getting ready to move. News has already broke out about the cult leaders death and the other factions that were being suppressed by the cult are already moving to claim territory."
"hmm this is going to be troublesome then. I guess i'll have to sweep through other villages and cities." Tian Yi replies. Ji Kuai interjects, "You can do that but i'll say it right here. I know you want to help people, but you can't help everyone. Even with those skills you have you'll have a better chance helping people fight for themselves. You can step in when things turn for the worst." - "So you mean i should just teach them and watch as the people fight for themselves?" - "Not only watch, but we should go to Shaolin. They have been the protectors of the people for centuries. If we can help them build up their strength again, that would also be to the benefit of the people living around Shaolin and other areas too. If you want to establish a Sect or a Clan then you'll have that option too." - "Sounds like you're the one wanting to build a sect or a clan."
"With you here what wouldn't be possible?" - "haha, flattery will only get you so far. Lets see how good you are with a sword then" - "wuh- huh? Why? Are we going to fight?" - "Simple Sparring." - "more like a simple beating for me." - Tian yi Smiling menacingly "Why would i beat you up for no reason? I'll beat you up in front of Yue Hua HUAHAHAHA." Ji Kuai and Yue Hua got shivers down their spine as Tian Yi spoke. "Go call her over then, we'll need to get stronger before our journey." - "What about Zhen Ai then?" - "Huh what about her?" - "Why not ask her to come too?" - "I really don't want her to fight…the world of martial arts is full of grudges, envy and hatred. People always die for the dumbest reasons and i don't want to see my people like that." - "Thats not for you to decide!" Zhen Ai shouts at Tian Yi "Pffft puah puh." Tian Yi spits out his drink.
"Zhen Ai, in the world of martial arts, battlefields litter the land. Corpses of people also do. I don't want you to have to see sights like that." - "THATS NOT FOR YOU TO DECIDE!!!! How would i be strong enough to protect myself if i were to only be sheltered like this? Why can i only be a burden to you?! Do you think i'm incapable?!" - "thats not what i mea-" - "I want to fight!" - "I'll clea-" "No! I want to fight along side you!" - "I don't want to be just here in this painting waiting for you all the time.". "Zhen Ai starts to cry as she walks away from Tian Yi. "Please-" Tian Yi tries to take her hand but she free's herself and continues to walk away.
Tian Yi holds his head as he sighs "Ah damnit" as Ji Kuai ,Yue Hua, Xiao Hua and Mei Lan walk over they catch a glimpse of Zhen Ai crying walking away and Tian Yi with his head in his hands.
"Oh my! What happened? Did you fight?" Mei Lan asks. "I guess we did," - "can you explain? Maybe we can help you." Yue Hua asks. "I was talking to Ji Kuai about teaching you and him how to fight, and Ji Kuai asks me if he should invite Zhen Ai here as well, i asked him why and he said to teach her. I rejected saying i didn't want her to be a part of the Martial world because it was too dangerous. Thats when Zhen Ai shouted at me saying that it's not for me to decide and that she doesn't want to be always sheltered. She says she doesn't want to be a burden to me. She says that she's capable and she want's to fight along side me. And she doesn't want to wait for me in the painting all the time"
Everybody realizes that Zhen Ai has fallen for Tian Yi. Knowing this and Tian Yi being oblivious to the fact. "Hey now, why don't we start with our sparring session." Ji Kuai cuts the silence. "Haaaa…Alright Ji Kuai and Yue Hua lets go. I'll think of something to cheer Zhen Ai up a bit later." - "alright, Ji Kuai i'll start with you." Tian Yi grabs a branch and gets on guard. And Ji Kuai brings out his staff. "- Tian Yi *blinks* in behind Ji Kuai and smacks him on the head. "You're dead.". Tian Yi says to him. "Wha huh? Just like that?" - "yep" - "again!" - Tian Yi blinks to the front while Ji Kuai guards his back. Ji Kuai gets smacked again. "Your dead again." - "again! Just smack me up!" - "alright, Tian Yi charges at Ji Kuai, and starts his 'Dance of the weeping moon.' Ji Kuai starts defending and gets hammered by Tian Yi's attacks. "This is only one of my attacks. You can almost keep up but, what will you do if i start using other attacks?" Tian Yi ignites his attacks.
Seeing Ji Kuai trying to dodge Tian Yi's attacks Yue Hua gets worried. After the beating, Tian Yi says to Ji Kuai "Thats only one move. Try listening to your instincts Ji Kuai." - Ji Kuai now beaten and bruised says "You went easy on me heh." - "If i added a few more things you wouldn't be able to walk straight. Okay i've decided." - "decided on what?" Ji Kuai asks. - "You guys need weapons." Tian Yi says. "We can just go buy a few in the city." Says Ji Kuai. "Nah those wont last very long. I'll have to make you some." - "You even know how to forge?" - "Nah, i'll use my refinement to make it. Then i can be sure that the weapons will match my standards." - "You haven't trained me yet!" Yue Hua cuts in.
"Hmmm…alright lets see, how should i train you….alright i got it." Tian Yi heals Ji Kuai and tells him *smirk* "Why don't you teach Yue Hua how to hold a sword" Ji Kuai blushes with Yue Hua. "I'll think of some moves for you and Yue Hua" says Tian Yi. "I'll go see if i can buy the materials for your weapons, be right back." Tian Yi walks over to Mei Lan and Xaio Hua, "Have you seen Zhen Ai?" - "She's back at the house, she's sulking and refusing to come out of her room." - "hooo…Okay". Tian Yi walks over to the house and goes to Zhen Ai's room, he puts his head to the door, "Zhen Ai, it's me, please don't be mad, i just don't want you to get hurt…" - *Bang!* she throws something at the door. "Train me so i won't get hurt then!I want to go out and fight with you too!"
"Okay." - "Why wont- huh?" Zhen Ai opens the door. She's face to face with Tian Yi. Her heart beat rises. His heartbeat rises. They both blush at each other. *ahem cough* "I'm going to go buy some materials for making you a sword, i wonder if you can join me…" - Zhen Ai blushes and smiles then replies "Okay!" *badump badump* Tian Yi's heart thumps. "What was that?" He thinks to himself. "Have you thought of a weapon you want to use?" He asks Zhen Ai "Uhm i was wondering about the blades that you carry." - "you mean these?" He shows Zhen Ai his pair of blades. "Yeah, the blades look slender and light, and i'm guessing the curve of the blade helps you cut right? So…I thought those would be a good fit for me." - "Oh? You know quite a bit about blades." - "Yeah, i was originally from a swordsman family, but i got sold off into a marriage."
Tian Yi stops. "Wait, does that mean that i stole you from your partner?" - "mmm…yes and no, yes you did take me, but no i didn't consider the person i was sold off to as a partner. He wasn't someone i'd even consider as a friend let alone a partner." - "So then, what happened? How did you end up in that rats nest of a bandit den?" Zhen Ai's tears started falling as she heard the question. "Zhen Ai i'm sorry. I didn't mean to let you remember those things.. you don't need to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable." - "Enn it's alright, i'd want to tell you some day. When i was sold to the marriage i refused to do anything they told me to do so, I was forced to entertain people who i didn't even know and to dance for men who liked my looks."
"It was on a night, after i finished dancing for them. I was being brought back to the manor i was kept at, we got attacked. When we were attacked, they wiped out the guards and robbed us. We didn't have much on us so i was given to them as extra payment. The next few days i spent was as a dancer for anyone who wanted to see me. A while after that, i was given to some bandit as their concubine. The night that you found me was when i was to be sent into the bandits bedchamber. I refused to submit myself to them and i was punished. I was beaten and humiliated, they ripped my clothes and almost" *drip drip* Zhen Ai's tears started flowing as she recounted her past memories.
"I was just about to give up when i saw your blade pierce through that bastards chest, and as if you read my mind, your second blade pierced through. For as long as i could remember, up until i met you, you were the first to talk to me with such a comforting voice, as if the heavens had shown me mercy and sent their warrior to save me. I saw your eyes that night. Your eyes looked like the stars and your hair as black as the night sky and-", Tian Yi stuck out his hand and wiped Zhen Ai's tears away. For moment time seemed to stop. His eyes longing to see her smile, his heart wanting to hear her voice. His hands caressed her face.
Tian Yi catches himself- "I- i'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." Zhen Ai's heart flutters as she realizes Tian Yi wiped away her tears. "Mm- it's alright it felt nice." Zhen Ai puts her hand over his and tilts her head into his hand and asks "Then, how did you find me?" - "I…don't really know… i only heard Little Xiao Hua calling me a warrior. When i opened my eyes she and her mother were on the verge of death while bandits were raiding her village. I saved them and found my way to where you were." - "Well then, i guess you really are a warrior sent by the heavens" Zhen Ai said with a playful smile.
"Ah! I got carried away talking! Weren't we going to the market?" - "oh yeah!" They both laugh together and walked to the market. At the market they see the Perpetual Snow Sect leader and her disciples. The Sect Leader notices a familiar Aura and realizes it's Tian Yi "What brings you here sir warrior and who's this?" The Sect Leader asks, "ah hello Sect Master this is Zhen Ai she's accompanying me to buy some materials for making her blade and for my other companions." - With a playful tone the Sect Master teases him "just a companion~?" Zhen Ai blushes. *ahem* "yes" he answers.
"So what are you looking to get?" The Sect Leader asks. "What's the best material for making weapons around here?". The Sect Leader replies, "around here the best would be Cold Steel, but it's quite rare. Most of the people who sell it charge quite high prices for it. But, if you know how to refine materials, you could buy the Cold Steel in bulk and refine it yourself. Refiners are rare and the price of their services are astronomical. I guess you could have a walk around the forges and see for yourself." - "Alright, i guess we could walk around and see.". - "Thankyou Sect Leader Shall we?" He looks to Zhen Ai "En!" She answers. As Tian Yi and Zhen Ai walk around he sees piles of unrefined ore. "Hmmm…Cold Steel is abundant but i feel like it'll be too brittle by itself. But if i could pair it with another material it should be a bit better."
Zhen Ai adds in, "What about Black Iron? You could try combining it together and it should balance out the brittleness." - "Wonderful suggestion Zhen Ai! Lets look for some Black Iron and Cold Steel" - "hehe no problem." Zhen Ai answers. "HEY! Young man and the girl over there! Do you want to buy somethin or not? If you just want to look then SCRAM!" - "Sir! We would like to buy some Black Iron and Cold Steel ore!" Zhen Ai says to the man looking to be the owner. "How much do you want of each?" - "I'll take this whole pile of Cold Steel ore and that pile of Black Iron ore. If i can buy those rocks and that pile of wood from you too i'll happily add in some more on top of that." - the old man thinks to himself can "can the kid even pay for all of that?" The old man says "15 ingots of gold for your order." Not really expecting Tian Yi to know the costs of his order.
Tian Yi simply replies, "Alright" the old man gets stunned and Tian Yi pays the man. The old man smirks as he thinks Tian Yi's a sucker for buying useless materials. "Alright come again!" Tian Yi turns to Zhen Ai and asks if she wants to buy anything. Zhen Ai says "will it be okay? You just forked over a huge amount of money for the materials." - "I can always make some more if i ever need to, so please don't worry too much." - "ummm alright, if you say so. I saw some nice cloth at the first shop we went to the other day, i wonder if it's still there" - "shall we go have a look?" They soon reach the area for cloth and Tian Yi sees some nice materials for armor "Oh? I should make some armor for you guys while i'm at it." - "armor?" Zhen Ai asks. "Yeah it'll be good to be better protected."
"How much for these materials?" Tian Yi asks the shopkeeper the shopkeeper asks "Which materials and how much do you need?" - "i'll take these 3 rolls of leather and those 6 rolls at the back" - "I can understand the leather but what are you going to use those other rolls for? They're just junk." - "If you have more of that junk i'll happily buy it." - "Sure do, i was wondering when someone would buy these." An old man says as he walks over to Tian Yi "Do you know what they are kid?" - "It's Gold Spiders silk right?" - "hoho you sure know your stuff. But i'm afraid the price is a non negotiable for me. 5 gold ingots each. I have another 10 in the back." - "i'll take all of it and i'll take 5 more rolls of your best bear hide and 5 rolls of horse leather." -
"then it'll be 80 gold ingots 68 silver ingots and 5 copper ingots." - "Tian Yi that's an astronomical amount!" Zhen Ai exclaims - "It's alright, i have no problems with money as of now." Tian Yi pays the man and takes his things. "Let's go get you your cloth then shall we?" - "okay…" - "why do you sound so down?" Tian Yi asks Zhen Ai, "I mean.. you're buying all of this for us but we still don't know how to give back your kindness. So i feel like we're just mooching off you.." - "Isn't it part of my job?" - Zhen Ai swings her head around seeing Tian Yi giving her a smirk subtilely implying something…. Her heart races as she can't make out what he means. "Ahhhh…. The Cloth shop is in front of us!"
Tian Yi smiles playfully at teasing Zhen Ai. "Here! This is the cloth i like!" Pointing to a roll of Burgundy silk and Metallic Navy silk. The shopkeeper looks at them and asks them if they can afford it. "Try me" Tian Yi replies. "For those two its 2 gold ingots each." - "is there anything else you'd like?" Tian Yi asks - "ummm.. the roll of White silk and that roll of Black silk would also be nice…" - "how much for those?" - "Same! 2 gold ingots!" - "Why not some of these embroidered silk Zhen Ai?" - "will that be okay?" - Tian Yi smiles and says "Whatever you want Zhen Ai~" - Zhen Ai is a little nervous as she points to a roll of a pink rose pattern embroidered silk. "Thats going to be 15 gold for that roll!" -
"It's alright Zhen Ai, aunty please add it all up." - "23 gold ingots!" - Tian Yi pays for it and the shop keeper is shocked. She immediately changes her tone and asks them to "please come again." Tian Yi smirks and asks Zhen Ai "could you store it in your ring? Mine's pretty full." - "How do i use it?" Zhen Ai asks "do you have it with you?" Tian Yi answers. "Yeah it's here" - "Try putting it on and inject a bit of your Qi into it." Zhen Ai puts it on and does as Tian Yi says. "That's cool!" She says as she puts the items away. "Alright it's getting late, lets head back shall we?" - "Okay~" Zhen Ai answers. - "Oh! I almost forgot! We should buy some tea for when you bring guests over! And some sweets for Xiao Hua!"
"Oh? Is there a particular reason you want to get some sweets for Xiao Hua?" - "Wha- What do you mean?" - "Oh nothing~" - "You like teasing me don't you!" Zhen Ai yells at Tian Yi with a pouty face. They now walk over to buy some nice teas for guests, and they get to a shop run by a small family. "Welcome! How can we help you today?" Zhen Ai asks "We're looking for some nice fresh tea leaves. Would you mind letting us see some?" The shopkeeper brings out a few of their best stock and Tian Yi takes an interest to one he sees being kept behind the shopkeeper. "The tea leaves behind you, will you sell them to us?" The shopkeeper asks which one "The one you keep in that wooden box there." Tian Yi points to behind the shopkeeper. "The shopkeeper is surprised and brings out the box.
"If you like it i'll only agree to sell the whole box." - Tian Yi looks at it and gives it a sniff "how much is it?" He asks. "20 gold." The shopkeeper replies. "Ingots or coins?" Tian Yi asks. "20 gold coins sir." The shopkeeper replies. "Do you have anymore?" - "we have 5 more boxes sir it's our families special calming tea, so i apologize if the price sounds high." - "oh not at all, i'll take all of it" - the shopkeeper is tearful seeing her families hard work being recognized. Tian Yi puts 3 gold ingots onto the counter and pays for everything that Zhen Ai picked. "Sir this is too much!" - Tian Yi looks back and tells them "next time you have stock please keep some for me."
He smiles and both Zhen Ai and Tian Yi start walking back to the Beggar Sect stopping by a candy shop to buy some sweets for Xiao Hua. "I didn't know you liked tea, you could have told me sooner! I would have made you some.." - "i'm looking forward to the tea you're going to make for me then." Tian Yi smiles at Zhen Ai and she gets flustered. "Looks like we're here." Tian Yi says as they get back to the Beggars Sect. They go back to Ji Kuai's quarters and enter the painting. They walk to their house. They go in to see Ji Kuai talking to Yue Hua - "How was your training?" He asks, "Oh you're back! The training was great!" Tian Yi pulls out a stick and swings at Ji Kuai, he blocks it "oh? You blocked it?" - "i knew you were going to try that!" - "heh well i guess you did use your instincts."
"I'm going to go make armor and weapons for everyone alright? I'll be right back." - "huh? Weapons? Armor?" - "yeah i bought a lot of stuff to make them so i'll be at the lake." - "i'll bring you some tea in a bit then!" Zhen Ai says to Tian Yi - "i'm looking forward to it." He says smiling as he walks off. Ji Kuai moves in closer "ohho? You guys seem closer~" - "whut huh? What do you mean!?" "Did something *sniff sniff* sweet? happen between the two of you?" - Zhen Ai blushes and retaliates "oh? *sniff* not as sweet as you two though~" both Ji Kuai and Yue Hua blush. Yue Hua pouts and pinches Ji Kuai "ouch!" - "Hehe well i'm going to go make some tea~"
At the lake. Tian Yi dumps his things out and starts refining when he senses someone watching. "Lei Shi if you're free could you come give me a hand?" - "Ahh! You found me.." Lei Shi walks over and asks "What can i help with?" - "i'll teach you some refining methods, could you help me refine those ores over there?" - "Sure!" Tian Yi teaches Lei Shi a simple but very effective refining method, Lei Shi immediately starts refining the ores into Cold Steel. After a while, Lei Shi finishes his pile, "Tian Yi i'm done refining!" - "Oh? That was quick!" A few moments later, "Phew, i'm all done here too."
Zhen Ai walks over and brings Tian Yi some tea. "I've brought your tea~" - Tian Yi takes a sip, "Ah~ still nice and hot." He finishes his tea "This tastes great, thank you so much!" - "hehe i'm glad you like it~" - "are those the things you bought?" - "ah these? Yeah, i just finished refining everything. Ah! How long do you want your blade?" - "uhmm, however long you think is the best." - "alright then, please stand up and wait a bit alright?" Tian Yi uses Earth Qi and Fire Qi to move his materials. Combining it together in a beautiful dance of synergy. "So Cool!" Lei Shi exclaims. "When will i be able to do that Tian Yi?" - "hmm, a few years maybe, but you'll have to practice hard everyday okay?" - "Got it!" - "Alright - Zhen Ai please reach out your arm for me." Zhen Ai reaches out and a blade starts forming together. "And now your other arm please." another blade starts to form, but slightly shorter.
As the Tian Yi's fire Qi starts to slowly fade out, two blades are left. Both with beautiful engravings of flowers and a lantern. "They're perfect!" Zhen Ai excitedly says, "now for your armor, please stay still for a bit alright?" - "En!" Tian Yi uses his Water Qi and Wind Qi to weave the Golden Spider Silk liner for Zhen Ai and using the rest of the materials he weaves together the Bear hide and leather, interlacing it with the Gold Spider Silk. He finishes up by adding in a pice of Snowfall jade to tie everything together casting a multitude of protection spells onto the armor. "How does it fit?" - "It's so comfy for a set of armor!" Zhen Ai moves around and spins as she tests out the armor.
"You look amazing dancing around like that." Tian Yi says to her, Zhen Ai says "really..?" - "I can look at you all day~" Zhen Ai is delighted at Tian Yi's words "if you want… i could show you a dance after i finish my dress…" Zhen Ai says shyly - "I would be honored~ no takebacks!" Tian Yi replies. Zhen Ai smiles as she sheds a tear, "Why are you crying?" Tian Yi asks worriedly , "I never thought i would dance for someone out of joy, it just makes me happy." - "i'm very much looking forward to it Zhen Ai, it's my honor to watch your first dance." - "En!" She replies with a big smile. Tian Yi looks comfortably lost watching Zhen Ai, as he realizes- "i almost forgot! Try saying 'hide' while putting Qi into your armor and weapons." Zhen Ai says 'hide' and her armor and weapons disappear into her necklace.
Ji Kuai walking up with Yue Hua sees the weapons and armor disappear, "Those are masterpieces! Tian Yi you just created multiple masterpieces!" - "don't worry, you two will get your own sets too." Both Yue hua and Ji Kuai are both stunned and excited. Tian Yi creates two more sets of weapons and armor for them, giving Ji Kuai a masterpiece sword and Yue Hua a set of Chakram "what are these?" Yue Hua asks Tian Yi, "oh those ar-" Tian Yi collapses from fatigue. "Tian Yi! Tian Yi!" Everyone shouts seeing him collapse. Ji Kuai checks on him and senses that he's just fatigued. Zhen Ai and everyone is relieved and Ji Kuai brings him back to his quarters to rest. Zhen Ai follows Ji Kuai as he puts Tian Yi into his room.
She lets out a sigh and looks at him tenderly saying "You should just tell us and rest when you feel tired dummy" as she says that as she's holding his hand sitting next to him. A while later Tian Yi wakes up and sees that Zhen Ai is sitting next to him sleeping. He smiles as he carries her onto his bed and tucks her in. He brushes over her hair and admires her for a while and goes to the gazebo. Ji Kuai is sitting there cleaning his sword and having a drink. Tian Yi walks up and asks to join him. "Sure, i'll pour you a drink." Ji Kuai answers. He sits down and Ji Kuai pours him a drink.
Ji Kuai says, "This sword is worthy enough of being passed down as an Heirloom." - "ah it's just something i made for the time being" - "You don't need to be humble Tian Yi, c'mon just accept my praise for a bit" - "fine." - "you really scared Zhen Ai today when you collapsed. She refused to leave your side only eating when we brought the food to your room for her. She's perfect for you. You know, If you let her in, i can say that she'll become your anchor keeping you sane from the amount of fighting we're going to see." - "That goes the same for you too Yue Hua too. Ji Kuai, have you prepared yourself?"
"To create a place worth living in, i'm prepared to go to hell and back if it means that i can protect the smiles of the people i cherish." - "Cheers to a creating a brighter future."