Black Pope ?

We discreetly exchanged pieces of paper, each containing coded messages, as we passed by each other in the aisles.

Then, without a word, we both took out our lighters and set fire to the pieces of paper with our codes, watching as they turned to ashes.

After the papers were completely burned, the agent handed me another piece of paper. On it was a new set of instructions.

"Boston Common Park, Enter South, Bench under 3rd Lantern. 7pm."

With a brief nod, he walked away, disappearing into the crowd.

I pocketed the new piece of paper and left the supermarket.

I never met the Black Pope so I was looking forward to this.


After returning home, I checked my messages and found one from Ruby.

"Hey. Will you fulfill your promise?"

I quickly replied, "I will come, but I have a meeting in the evening. So don't expect me earlier than 8pm."

"How is your mother, by the way?" I added.