"Your brother did not inform me that you oppose this marriage." Albert said calmly, his eyes lingering on Gwyneth who was staring at the bright blue sky that was obviously more fascinating than him.

With a radiant smile on his lips, he peered at her, admiring her otherworldly beauty. Her wavy platinum white hair which was pushed back by the wind, her midnight blue eyes, which oddly but exquisitely reflected the blue sky, and her pursed pink lips...

"Are there not rumors about me? They made it to Arrakis, have they not?" Gwyneth asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the sky.

In order for her and Albert to get to know one another, Elias had instructed them to stroll together to the courtyard.

She felt Albert's eyes on her, but she was unwilling to meet his gaze.

While she was attempting to save his life, all he could do was ogle at her.

Albert grinned. "The rumors are what they are—rumors. Nothing about them seems credible to me."

"They should." Gwyneth pressed in with a harsh tone.

The duke nodded, turning away from her. "Arrakis, thank you for your works. Your commerce, provision of goods and services to hospitals, retirement homes, and gardens you have established throughout most Kingdoms—not just Arrakis—as well as the creation of jobs in these spaces. It's..."

Gwyneth's mouth quirked. "You seem quite impressed."

"I am impressed," Albert laughed.

Finally, Gwyneth gave him a cold, hard look. "Can you not take a hint?"

Albert laughed, surprised by her sudden change of attitude. "Pardon me?"

"Did you miss what I said to my brother? I have no desire to get married. I am not interested in you." She was very clear in what she was saying.

His daring accusation that she spoke too much infuriated her even now. Who exactly did he think he was?

Albert laughed, shaking his head. "You see, your highness, this marriage is not about interest. This is a situation where there is no choice."

Gwyneth scoffed, returning her attention to the sky. "No choice? Are you insane? How dare you tell me that?"

Albert's smile faded. "Speak to me with respect. You are a princess."

Gwyneth could not believe her ears. Where did all this audacity come from?

She returned his gaze, squinting with disbelief. "Should I lick your shoes as well?"

Outraged by her response, Albert glared at her. "What are...?"

"This is enough for me." Gwyneth lost her temper and stormed back into the hallways.

She was tired of the castle and needed a change of scenery. At least until her brother would begin badgering her about her actions.

Honestly, she had no one left in the castle to keep her occupied now that Madame Danna and Imogen were gone. She found it so hollow and empty.

Maybe a horse ride would help her relax.

"How dare you walk away from me?!" A familiar voice erupted, rumbling with rage.

"Ah!" She felt a harsh grip on her wrist, and halted her steps.

It was Albert.

With a deranged expression in his eyes, he shoved her against the wall and gripped her chin fiercely.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He asked, tightening his grip on her chin. "How dare you treat me with such disrespect? Your brother mentioned this to me. I saw you speak to him, but I did not expect you to be so rude to me."

Gwyneth was startled. She tried to get away from him, but he pinned her arm to the wall.

"I will shape you and discipline you so that you understand what respect is." His mouth dropped dangerously near hers as he snarled.

"Is that so?" Suddenly, Sirius appeared right behind him, with ferocious flares dancing in his glowing blood red eyes.

Startled by the voice that sent a chill down his spine, Albert turned to the source. "What... where did you come from?"

"N.. n.." Gwyneth tried to find her voice.

"Why don't you share your definition of respect with me?" Placing his hand on Albert's shoulder, Sirius gazed down at him with glaring rage.

Albert felt insignificant. A part of him immediately wanted to run for his life, but he did not want to appear weak in front of Gwyneth. Not when he wished to teach her a lesson.

"Take your hand off me." He snarled at Sirius, who turned his gaze to the princess.

Gwyneth had the impulse to bolt, but before she could get far, Albert gave her a nasty glare and grabbed her wrist. "Did I ask you to move?!"

She froze.

"Insect." Sirius snarled, focusing his attention on the filthy hand that was clutching his jade.

"Insect?" Albert asked, woefully offended.

"Touching my woman in front of my very eyes. It is unfortunate that you have such audacity.

"Your woman?!" Albert asked, taken aback. Then he turned back to Gwyneth and asked, "What do you think you are doing? You are already involved in an affair?"

She kept silent. What could she say?

Darkness filled Sirius's eyes. "Unhand her." His voice was soft and serene, akin to the ocean before a tempest.

Albert shot him a look. "She is going my wife! She is all mine! Get lost!"

Gwyneth looked at Sirius. Straight into those blazing rage-filled eyes. It was with conflicted feelings that she struggled to decide whether to be happy or terrified for what was to become the Duke.

Sirius seized hold of the Duke's hair. "Apologize." His voice rose, deep and ominous.

Albert's soul was filled with terror and shock at that very moment. His twitching head quivered as he released Gwyneth's wrist. "What?"

"Do not make me repeat myself." Sirius tightened his grip on the Duke's hair.

Albert went cold. He could sense a sinister threat emanating from the strange man. It was as if he could see his end!

He reluctantly raised his head to meet those fiery blood red eyes, which filled him with even more fear. "Wh..at?"

Sirius sighed heavily, scratching the back of his neck impatiently. He caught a glimpse of his Sunshine staring at him from the corner of his eye. Her eyes were full of fear and pleas.

She was begging for the insect's life. That infuriated him.

"If the next words that come out of your mouth are not an apology, your fate will be gruesome."

"Is that another threat?" Albert asked, chuckling. A sound full of anxiety. "Who do you think you are? Unhand me!"

"Another man is threatening what belongs to me. Why can't you feel sorry for yourself, insect?" Sirius pulled angrily at his head.

Albert let out a choke scream. His entire existence came to a halt! His head! He felt as though his head had been snatched from him.

He quickly returned his gaze to Gwyneth. "I.. I apologize for my insolence."

Gwyneth swallowed hard and turned to face Sirius, who gave her a crazy smile that matched the fury in his eyes.

"I.. I accept your apology." She stumbled over her words while staring at Sirius. Waiting for him to release Albert's hair.

She watched him. He watched her.

She hoped. He frowned.

She refused to let herself be the reason behind the death of another man!

Suddenly, Sirius released Albert's hair.

Unconsciously, she sighed with relief. Sadly, her response did nothing more than incite Sirius, who seized the already-ecstatic Duke's neck.

"Keep those hypnotic eyes wide open, Princess." His cold whisper sent shivers down her spine, immobilizing her whole body.

And with an effortless, quick yank, he ripped the head off its body. Watching the blood splatter on her face and dress. Ignoring the blood that splattered across his body and face as well.

Gwyneth screamed in horror, flinching as the lifeless body hit the ground.

Dropping the head to the ground, Sirius cocked his head. He crossed the body to approach her, grabbed her wrists, and brought her hands up to her face. "Dainty little hands covered in filth."

Gwyneth trembled in shock and fear, her chest heaving. She could not snatch her hands away, nor could she say anything as she stared at him.

Sirius kept the same icy look on his face. Her face was marred by blood and her lovely dress was practically the same shade as the repulsive liquid.

This did not sit well with him.

But he despised anyone else touching her but himself the most. No man should even touch a single strand of her hair. No one but him.

In the blink of an eye, they were standing in the center of her chamber. He released her wrists and removed his coat, clicking his tongue as he did so.

Gwyneth was still reeling from Albert's ordeal.

She stared at her trembling hands which were covered in blood and the thought of the letter returned to her. But when she saw the writer of that letter casually taking off his coat, she started to take steps away. Away from him.

"No. No. No. Leave. LEAVE RIGHT NOW." She screamed, pointing to the door.

Tears filled her eyes. Making Sirius freeze in place.

"I will not until you wash that off your body." He said, letting his coat fall to the floor.

Gwyneth's eyes twitched. She lowered her arm, shaking her head in disbelief. "Why are you doing this to me?!"

Sirius' eyes brightened. He approached her, but she fled in terror, forgetting about the large bed behind her. Without warning, she collapsed onto it, gasping for air.

Sirius looked down at her with a sigh, his hands resting in his pants pockets.

"Do not run from me." He grumbled, frowning at her horrified face that was stained with the blood of an insect.

This did not sit well with him.

"Sunshine, my motivation for taking off my coat is pure motivation. Nothing else. Not just yet."

"Get out!" Gwyneth let out another scream, this time utterly terrified and furious at him. "Stop bothering me! Leave!"

Sirius' eyes darkened. He crouched before her, pinning his bloodied hands against the side of her head, smearing the white sheets.

Gwyneth's words stuck in her throat, making her lips quiver.

Why was this happening to her? Why?!

Sirius had no sympathy for her situation. Rather, he leaned his face close to hers, his expression cold as ice, saying, "Darling, you can either wash yourself or I will do it for you. Be as it may, you will be purified."