Her pest

Having vanished from the manor altogether and into the bustling and energetic city of Calidra, Gwyneth was taken aback when they suddenly materialized in front of a tea shop.

She glanced at Sirius, who was curiously staring at the glass door.

"Does Death really drink tea?" She questioned, looking at him in shock.

Sirius met her eyes. "No, I like wine better."

Gwyneth snorted. "What?"

Sirius blinked. "Lead the way inside." Then, with her hand in his, he opened the door which echoed with a ringing bell.

Almost immediately, everyone in the shop was staring at them. They obviously knew that Gwyneth was their princess, yet the exquisite, otherworldly man she was accompanied by defied all expectations.

He was simply too perfect, too unearthly to be human—and the auras of menace and mystery that emanated from him only heightened the strangeness of the moment.

Murmurs filled the space.

Gwyneth grasped her dress, nervous. She could not help but wonder what their thoughts were about her.

Her thoughts were instantly filled with Kai's words.

'Do you really think you do not need my help? This is not something you can accomplish on your own. You do not have any friends, and everyone is painting you as a murderer. You are completely alone.'

He was right about that. She was alone. Very alone. She was...

"I will have whatever you are having, Sunshine." Sirius said, jolting her out of her thoughts.


She met his gaze. He raised his brows, tugging her hand gently.

"Take a seat."

"Oh..." Slowly nodding, Gwyneth made her way to the vacant table in the far corner of the space.

Sirius pulled out a chair for her, but she pulled out the other chair and sat down, frowning.

Laughing, Sirius took a seat. "I thought you were starting to soften towards me."

Gwyneth glared at him. "Remember how worthless you are to me."

He grinned. A cheeky smile that vividly reached his eyes. "You do not really say this much when I kiss your neck."

Gwyneth flushed. "W--what are..."

"Your Highness." She jumped a little when the waiter suddenly appeared and bowed before her.

"Camomile tea, crustless toast, and scones." She placed her order with elegance.

The waiter kept his head bowed, his gaze respectfully averted from the ominous man whose piercing eyes were fixed upon the princess with a mix of fierce admiration and predatory hunger.

He exuded such a heavy aura. So chilling. Absolutely terrifying!

"What about your partner, Your Highness?" He managed to keep his voice composed.

The word "partner" made Gwyneth sigh bitterly. "He will have the same thing as me."

The waiter immediately scurried off.

Gwyneth glanced at Sirius, who was still staring at her. He was beaming like a kid. It really brought out the adorable side of his gorgeous features.

She shook her head. "Look. You are death, and you have done so many horrible things to me."

"Horrible things?" Sirius raised a brow, his smile fading. "I told you that I did not intend to kill your sister."

Gwyneth was deeply offended. "Can we not discuss my sister? You..."

"You are upset about those insects?" Sirius's expression grew glum.

"You murdered my husbands." A scowl contorted Gwyneth's features. She was aware that she was obsessing on the harm Sirius had inflicted upon her, but his cruelty had left its mark.... a wound so deep.

"Why? Because you believe you own me? I want you to understand that I am not yours. You will never own me. You are a pest in my life."

Sirius' face brightened. "In other words, I am your pest."

Gwyneth scowled hard. Her only desire was to thrust a knife deep into his chest.

"I did not complain about you killing the Lord because he disgusts me." She said,

"Oh?" Sirius blinked.

Gwyneth gritted her teeth. "You are not taking me seriously!" She slammed the table, startling the waiter who was about to place her order on the table.

"Oh!" The shocked look on the waiter's face made her gasp with guilt. "My apologies."

"Oh no! It is nothing, Your Highness." The server tidied up fast, setting the scones, toast and tea on the table.

Gwyneth pressed a false smile. "Thank you."

The waiter bowed and left.

She sighed and shifted her gaze to Sirius, who had not taken his gaze off her. "Why did the Lord choose to skip the ball?"

"Because he was aware of the outcome." Sirius nodded, holding onto the handle of the teapot.

The teapot and accompanying set of tea cups were made of beautiful, fragile fine china. Their body was a stunning white porcelain, adorned with delicate golden filigree that danced down the sides and around the rim, giving the impression of subtle luxury.

They were unique pieces meant for aristocracy. Seeing a member of the royal family having tea outside the castle or the Duke's manor must have shocked them.

Sirius took a scone and slowly poured tea into their cups. "Drink up." He gestured to Gwyneth, who was perplexed by his words.

"How was he aware of it?" She asked slowly and gently, taking her tea cup.

"Your uncle Gerald is a clairvoyant." He sipped the burning hot tea, squinting in disgust. "He sold his soul to me for that power when he was only a child. Fifteen years old, I believe. It helped him to understand my actions when you were born."

"A clairvoyant?" Gwyneth asked slowly, her eyes wide.

Sirius nodded. "Drink up."

"You do not seem to enjoy it." Gwyneth grimaced.

Sirius twitched his lips. "I do not do tea."

Gwyneth rolled her eyes and took a small sip, smiling at the sensation that spread through her body.

Sirius smiled, and found himself grinning back at her. Then he went on... "Everyone believed Gerald because your father was aware of his abilities. You were protected from expected abuse, Darling. It is clear from their behavior towards your sister that they do not think highly of female children."

Gwyneth sighed deeply. "I take it that Gerald warned Lord Evans that there would be bloodshed that night."

"Indeed." Sirius nodded.

"And that is it?" Gwyneth clenched her teeth.

"Uh huh." Sirius took another sip.

Gwyneth stood up, releasing her grip on the tea cup. "Where exactly is my uncle?!"

"Lord Evan was not human." Sirius abruptly came to light.

"What?" Gwyneth was taken by surprise.

"He was a Dhampir." Sirius carried on, dully.

"A dhampir?" Gwyneth asked incredulously, sitting back in her chair.

Sirius nodded. "An offspring of a human and a vampire. Whoever killed him is aware of this. Which explains why his head was dangling off his body. Also, it was him who bestowed those gems to your father. The moonstones."