You are power

Gwyneth sprinted down the hallway, her thoughts racing in turmoil with each step, as the blood-curdling screams grew louder, echoing through the corridors like a chorus of terror.

Why was her life a never-ending nightmare? Why was the universe conspiring against her?

Gwyneth quickened her pace, her breathing labored as a strange, unexplainable yearning took hold of her heart.

She couldn't understand why, but she felt an overwhelming urge to rescue someone... just one person.

The cries and wails grew louder, piercing her eardrums, and the metallic scent of blood filled her nostrils, making her stomach churn.

Suddenly, she found herself standing at the entrance of the ballroom, where a gruesome scene unfolded before her eyes. Bodies, both whole and dismembered, lay strewn about, surrounded by a sea of crimson.

Gwyneth hesitated for a moment, then took a stern step forward, her bare foot sinking into a small puddle of blood.