Hate and Love

Sirius could not believe her. He could not even look at her. He fixed his gaze on his food, deeply annoyed with himself for telling her so little....

"I... I just want to know. There is no harm in it." She responded, her voice brimming with desperation.

He sighed, closing his eyes. "There is a lot of harm, Sunshine."

"Do not beat around the bush and tell me! There should be trust between us! Nothing will change if you tell me!"

Sirius rose to his feet, slamming the table. "Knowing how you died in your past lives is not wanting to move on, darling, it is ignorance. Ignorance of the highest order."

Gwyneth's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly recovered, her expression darkening as she stood up. "There is nothing ignorant about wanting to know how I died in my past lives!"

That anger.... It provoked him. She was so stubborn, she was driving him insane as always!