
As the carriage hit every bump in the road, Gwyneth's fingers drummed a nervous rhythm and her body quivered like a leaf. She shut her eyes tight, wincing as the jolts sent her head throbbing.

However, she was prepared she had donned a stylish hood to match her dress, not just to keep her hair in place, but to keep her face and head hidden from prying eyes.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?" Madison questioned, worriedly.

Gwyneth sighed sharply and smiled at her. "I am."

Madison nodded, then forced a smile. "Were you, um... terrified of me?"

Her unexpected question caught Gwyneth off guard. "No, I... I think I was. But I wasn't... Sirius was with me, and he said, You and..." She paused, her eyes widening slightly. "Kai!"

Madison swallowed. "He..."

"You knew him..." Gwyneth broke in, forcing a smile.

Madison's eyes widened in guilt. "No! We..."