The Equal Exchange

Ye Chengxi nodded quietly as she averted her eyes, "In that case…"

"In that case, I'm going out now." Yuan Ji said and he was already walking to the exit.

Ye Chengxi was startled as she gasped, "Didn't we just agree on the term…"

Yuan Ji interrupted softly, "I only agree to your term of keeping it a secret. Rest assures that I won't tell anyone. There is no need for any equal exchange."

Ye Chengxi: …

Just as Yuan Ji was about to leave the room, he had turned back to ask curiously. "You're serious just now?"

Ye Chengxi had averted her eyes as she said quietly, "You are lucky to have won your life back. I am just testing your integrity."

When Yuan Ji had heard her, he inhaled a soft sign of relief. He was really almost on fire earlier when she had made the proposal. But he had quickly calmed down and thought that she could not be serious.

Ye Chengxi looked at his departing figure and her lips were trembling almost incoherent. "I'm serious…"

After Yuan Ji was outside the palace gate, he began to clench his fists tightly as he cursed softly. "If I have my profound strength now, I will surely slaughter this Li Qiang."

Then he put his hand on the wall as he wept silently, "Chengxi, why have you fallen so low? Just because you want to protect the Orthodox Sword Sect? You're such a fool…"

"What has happened while I was in seclusion?"




The next day when he was practicing swordplay with his two older protégé brothers, he asked them. "Our sect condition doesn't look so good?"

Zhao Gang laughed, "Our sect used to have a more glorious day. But things aren't that bad since we have our master to lead us. Do you know that she is one of the four renowned beauties of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity? Her fame and renown is known throughout the celestial fraternity!"

Li Ming chuckled, "That's right. Our master Fairy Ye Chengxi is also a golden celestial of the fifth realm cultivation level. I am not so talented and have no hope of becoming a golden celestial in the future."

Yuan Ji said, "I saw our master talking to Li Qiang yesterday. It seems that he doesn't have a high opinion of our sect."

Zhao Gang shook his head as he said solemnly, "Junior brother, you must be mistaken. Elder Li Qiang has been really helpful to our sect and he is really a friendly person. Even though he is an elder of a prominent celestial clan but he is always respectful and humble toward us."

"Senior protégé brother is right." Li Ming added with a smile.

Yuan Ji: …

He thought, "Don't tell me that my two senior brothers are two simpletons? Do they know that this Li Qiang is actually up to no good?"

A common protégé had suddenly come into the practice courtyard to say, "The senior core protégés of the Emperor Hall Sect are here to see protégé mistress and they await in the hall now."

Zhao Gang was startled, "Quick, attend to them with great politeness."

Then he turned to say to Yuan Ji with a smile, "Junior brother, come with me to the hall. You ought to know who they are. These senior core protégés are all so friendly to our sect."

Yuan Ji nodded before he followed Zhao Gang and Li Ming to the waiting hall.

In the waiting hall, there were two men who were laughing jovially.

Zhao Gang promptly introduced them to Yuan Ji, "This is Yuan Ji, our third protégé brother. He had just been initiated yesterday. They are Brother Hai Guotian and Brother Deng Chao. Please look after my junior brother in the future."

Li Ming said respectfully, "Brother Hai is a fourth realm cultivation expert while Brother Deng Chao is a third realm cultivation expert. They are the senior core protégés of the Emperor Hall Sect."

Hai Guotian laughed as he patted his pot belly, "Not at all. We are all fellow cultivators and we should take care of one another."

Deng Chao was also laughing jovially, "That's right. Who knows if we need one another's help in the future?"

Yuan Ji simply said, "My greeting to Brother Hai, Brother Deng. I'm only a lowly cultivator. I will need your careful nurturing in the future."

Hai Guotian laughed, "We will, we will."

At this moment, Ye Chengxi had appeared at the entrance of the hall as she said quietly. "Follow me inside."

With that she had turned away before Yuan Ji, Li Ming and Zhao Gang could even greet her.

Hai Guotian and Deng Chao had immediately hastened their steps after her.

When they had left the hall, Yuan Ji asked. "Do they come often?"

Li Ming replied, "That's right."

Yuan Ji frowned, "Do you think that it is a little strange that they are often here to visit?"

Li Ming grinned, "Junior brother, you are overthinking things. Our sect has a poor upkeep. If it isn't for them, our master will have a big headache in the upkeep of our sect. After all, we have slightly more than a hundred protégés altogether and we have no other means of income."

"If it isn't for the renown of our master and the grace of the Emperor Hall Sect, our sect may not even exist now." Zhao Gang added.

Yuan Ji: …

"Please excuse me for a while. I'm not feeling too well." Yuan Ji said.


Author Note:

1. Your spirit stones are crucial for motivations and releases. Thank you all in advance, many love! ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)