Dark Urges

While Dawn was away Cain and Erisha stayed inside the laier.

They passed the time by talking to each other about what has happened until now.

Cain did most of the talking while Erisha only commented a few times.

She was glad her brother seemed to be fine for the moment.

Cain jumped around, made impressions and expressions.

It was like watching an actor practice before a play.

"Who in their right mind would throw someone in to the air without warning and expect them to follow a plan he barely tells them?" Said Cain with puffed red cheecks.

Erisha let out a small laugh and nodded her head in agreement.

She enjoyed her brothers reactions.

Time passed and soon the elfs became bored.

It was early afternoon and Dawn have yet to come back.

To ease their boredom the elfs started reading the scattered papers and books in the chamber.

Cain did not understand human writing at all and opted to look at drawings while Erisha could read but not fluently.

They did not understan human language when they arrived in Gaia.

Erisha knew basic words, but that was only because of her studies.

It was infact the black market traders who at the time disguised themselfs as simple villigers who taught it to them.

As they were reading through the texts they came across a particular book.

An elven ear was carved on the leather cover. Intreastingly they could also read the title, but once they did their face quickly turned pale.

The title of the book was "Elven Anatomy".

They debated wether they should open the book, but curiosity got over them.

Hesitantly they opened the book and discovered that it was fully written in the elven tongue as if to mock them.

Once they began reading it they began to curse their curiosity.

The book contained the documents of the experiments and revalations the nekromancer had on elfs.

The nekromancer went in to great detail with her experiments not only writing down the subjects reaction and the results, but also making highly detailed drawings of them aswell.

The nekromancer would regularly cut them open, inject chemicals and mixtures in to their bodies, meddle with their souls and even tortured them for fun.

As they read through the book Cain could bear to read no longer and quickly turned away and vomited on to the stone floor.

He heard the stories from Dawn that humans are among the cruelest of all beings in Gaia, but he disregarded his words thinking there was no way they could be that bad.

He was wrong.

Once Cain composed himself he heard the sound of pages turning rapidly.

He looked back and saw his sister being immersed in the documents that depicted their kinds torturous fate in the hands of the nekromancer.

Cain looked in horror as Erisha turned page after page looking more and more sinister and excited as she did.

Finally Cain mustered up the coruage to reach out towards her.

"Sister?" As Cain's small hand landed on Erisha's shoulder she suddenly looked back at him.

Her face was that of amazement and excitement as if she had read the greatest novel of her life.

But once she looked at Cain's horrified face she slowely realised what she was doing and her face distorted.

She quickly threw the book away with all her might.

The book smashed in to the stone wall, scattering its papers.

On Erisha's face was disgust and shame.

"What the hell was that!?"

Erisha could not understand what has happened.

Once they began to read Cain became more and more frightened and disgusted while Erisha found the book strangely enjoyable.

She read the tortures her kind went through and in some way she found delight in their suffering.

As her mind raced trying to think of a possible explenation Dawn's words entered her mind.

"The touch of the abbyss is a curse that alteres ones personality aswell not just the physical attributes. Soon the child will see you for the monster you truly are!"

And so as those words crossed her mind she looked back at her little brother that still had his hand on her shoulder.

He was sincierly concearned.

Suddenly she pulled her brother and embraced him tightly.

"Wha- what are you doing sis?!" Cain said with an embaressed voice.

He was surprised at his sisters sudden action, but soon stopped struggeling and he too hugged his sister.

As Erisha held on to Cain firmly Dawn's words continued in her head.

"You may think you are different, but if I caught the child then you would not hesitate to run with your tail between your legs! Abandoning them for your own safety!"

Erisha's face became firm and detirmend as she promised herself that Dawn's words from that night will never come true.

In that moment someone began to bang on the metal door of the lair.

Each bang sent echoes throughout the quiet laier.

Erisha immidietly let go of Cain and looked in the direction of the hallway.

"I am going alone! You will wait here!" Erisha ordered.

The boy had a troubled face, but nodded his head.

Erisha stood up and went to the start of the long hallway that lead to the entrance.

She gripped the handle of her runed sword and began to walk towards the metal door.

As she walked there were several more bangs that came from outside.

With the banging on the door and the stone hallway that was lit up in a blue light by it created a tense atmosphere.

Even the hardened Erisha had several drops of sweat dripping down on her forehead.

Finally when she stood at the entrances stairs she pulled out her blade and made her way to the top.

Dawn used many of his one time use magic papers to reinforce the door and make sure there was nothing that could get in.

Even if it was he who wished to enter.

Once on the top of the stairs Erisha reached for the doors handle.

She then without warning burst the door open and at the same time raised her sword and slashed at the one who banged on the door.

Blood splilled out of the man and Erisha stepped back avoiding the spilling red liquid.

She took a defensive stance and finally looked at the person who stood at the entrance properly.

The man had black hair comparable to Erishas.

Eyes so cold it was as if they were sharpened knifes.

And a palace of muscle for a body.

The man infront of her was naked and had scsrs covering his body and he carried a large bear's corpse on his back.

Seeing the man Erisha lowered her sword and sighed in relif.

The man in front of him was infact Dawn.

Dawn and the elfs spent the rest of the day processing the bear.

They skinned it, removed the organs and began cooking the same bear stew Dawn made a few days ago.

Time quickly flew by and the stew was ready.

Dawn had covered himself with clothes they found in the other rooms.

They were made from dangerous beasts.

It was likely the nekromancer made them herself.

Perhaps it was a hobby of hers.

The trio began to indulge themselfs in the hot stew.

Dawn was the first to finish his meal.

He put the plate down and reached for a wine bottle only to realise that it was now empty.

"Shit" said Dawn in his mind.

Noticing Dawn's expression Cain looked at him curiously.

"What is that you are always drinking?" Cain asked

His tone still contained the arrogance of elfs, but it was noticebly lesser compared to the first time they met.

"Alcohol" Answeared Dawn in and indifferant voice

"Alcohol? Is that some kind of medicine?"

Hearing Cain's question a small smile spread across Dawn's face.

"You can call it that."

The smile was hollow and Erisha could tell that it hid some kind of secret.

Cain just like a child of his age was curious about everything.

During this first week he asked alot of questions that Dawn had to answear.

He asked about everything he deemed interasting or strange.

He asked alot about the forest in perticular.

Since elfs are connected to nature on a deep level they can communicate with it through the soil, trees, plants and such.

Ever since they stepped foot in to this forest Cain tried to ask nature for help, but for the first time in his life his call for help fell on deaf ears.

This terrified him.

"What do you need the medicine for? Asked Cain curiously

"You don't look sick to me."

"It helps me sleep."

"How can it help you slee-?

Suddenly loud coughing was heard from the woman that sat next to Cain.

Cain slowely turned his head towards his sister.

She wore an intimidating face.

One that was reserved for times when Cain forgot about his manners.

Cain understanding the situation quickly turned his head back.

"I wish to apologize!" Said Cain as he bowed his head.

Dawn simply put his palm forward signaling to the young elf that it was okay.

"I might aswell talk about it."

Hearing his words the two elfs expression hardened as they swalloved their salayva.

Other then a few grunts he rarely interacted with Erisha and Cain.

He rarely initiated any kind of conversation.

Thus the elfs became focused not to miss a word he says.

"If the snow storm's pace continues like this then it will pass by tomorrow and we can continue our journey."

Delight came to the elfs.

They were trapped here for a day and were already sick of being confined to the laier.

But soon that happyness was gone as Dawn continued.

"But do not be at ease! Tomorrow will be the day we enter Geiza!"

Hearing his words the elfs expression hardened and their gazes became focused.

The firewood crackled beside them yet a shiver went down their spine.