Dawn and the oni walked in silance.
Other then the tiny ripples the onis steps created the corridor was silant.
Dawn scanned the onis body with his eyes and found it quite remarkable.
Much like orks, goblins and beastmen, onis were once human aswell.
But due to the sudden burst of mana the demons caused with their arrival humans were forced to rapidly evolve or mutate to handle it.
Many developed the ability to command mana while retaining their original form, but there were others whose bodies mutated, developing a larger build, fur, claws, skales and so on.
Each and every single one of them represents an evolutionary path humanity could have taken if mana was present on Gaia since the beggining.
Onis and orks in particular appeared 40 years in to the hundred year war.
Because of this they and other races that developed for war and battle became know as the warmonger races.
"We are almost there." Suddenly said the oni.
Dawn nodded in response.
They continued their walk for about a minute until Dawn broke the silance.
"What is your name, oni?"
The oni answeared without delay.
"Sharktear, sir."
It was a strange name.
"You have a strong name. Who named you?"
"The matriarch herself. I am quite proud of this fact."
"You should be. She is not easily impressed."
Although it was hard to notice due to the onis naturally red skin Sharktear blushed a little on Dawn's complement.
He scratched his neck with his large hand.
"By the way what do you want from the matriarch? If you don't mind me asking."
Dawn sighed.
It wouldnt hurt to tell him, since he will most likely be present during his meeting with the matriarch.
"I am here to ask for fake identities for these two."
"Why? They seem like they need a doctor more than identities."
"I have already healed them.They are simply exhausted."
"If you say so."
Soon the path ended and a large space revealed itself before them.
The space was filled with traditional japanese houses that were placed thightly next to each other with a large cherry blossom tree at the center.
There were oni children running around playing with eachother while their parents watched them from not so afar.
The onis wore yakutas with wooden slippers on their feet.
When they entered many turned their gaze towards Dawn and Sharktear.
They were wary with many commanding their children to halt their activity and come back to them.
Every oni had brown eyes with a few exceptions being skyblue.
Every one of them had white hair and each wore it differantly to help distinguish themselfs from the others.
Ones hair style was important in their culture.
In oni culture if an individual met another outside of their family with the same haircut it would mean that they will have bad luck for the rest of the day.
Ofcourse this was nothing but a dying superstition.
Even with the judging eyes of the oni around them Dawn did not even bat an eye and strided forward with confidance.
This act did not go unnoticed by Sharktear who looked at Dawn with amazement.
They continued to walk forward, entering several large rooms such as the first.
Each room had a differant purpose then the other.
There were some that were used as markets while others were used by blacksmiths as workshops to produce tools and weapons.
Dawn observed how the town has changed.
When he first entered this underground place the onis were still carving it out.
They walked until they reached the biggest room by far.
An arena.
Inside there were several oni man and woman competing in deadly combat against eachother in front of a large cheering crowd.
Dawn took a moment to take the sight in.
He saw blades and clubs swing against eachother, he smelled the blood and sweat of the warriors, he felt the wave of emotions the crowd emmited as they cheered with all their might.
Sharktear looked at Dawn's beside him.
His face did not change, but he saw it inside his eyes.
For a single moment a wild instict to fight and kill blazed inside his eyes.
"This way the way, sir"
Dawn grunted in response.
With that the oni and the man began their walk around the arena.
Their destination was the decorated booth at the far side of the arena.
Dawn observed as the onis could barely contain their desire for combat.
Some however could not contain it and jumped down in to the pit, grabbed a weapon laying on the ground and joined the mayhem.
"Its beatiful isn't it?"
"Its meaningless."
"Why? Do you humans not relive your stress? Do you not have grand arenas at your major cities?"
"Those who compete inside those arenas are forced to do so. And our numbers are not as slim as yours."
"True, but we can't change who we are. Even if it dosen't seem like it there are rules inside that pit. No one is allowed to kill the other."
"Is crippling them any better?"
"A cripple can still have children and loosing an arm or leg is nothing to us. They grow back after all."
In the midst of talking Dawn noticed that they were nearing the only booth in the arena.
Once it was a few steps away Dawn stopped.
The way was blocked by two large onis with spears in their hands.
Seeing this Dawn turned towards Sharktear.
"How do I get inside?"
"Just a moment."
Sharktear then stepped forward.
The guards immidietly crossed their spears, denying him acces inside the booth.
Sharktear looked at them with an annoyed face.
"What the hell are you guys doing?"
"State your business, Sharktear!
"You know god damn well what my business is! Let me inside!"
"The matriarch told us not to allow you inside anymore. You judge outsiders too hastly! That is why we had to change our home! Because of your incompitance!"
"Oi you basterd! Let me inside befo-"
Before he could finish his sentance Dawn stepped beside him.
With a sudden motion he passed Erisha and Cain on to the surprised Sharktear and stepped before the guards.
"What do you want you puny human?" Asked the first guard.
Even if these onis were arrogant they could see.
They knew Dawn was no ordinary human, given his hight and body.
But nontheless they acted this way just to spite Sharktear.
"I am here to see your matriarch." Said Dawn with a calm voice.
For a moment the guards looked at each other then burst out laughing.
"You *hah* seeing the matriarch?"
"BWAHAHAHAHA! That is a good one!"
They continued to laugh in to Dawn's face for a whole minute before they finally stopped.
"Haa for making us laugh we will let you off with a warning this time. Now piss of will you? We are trying to watch the fight."
With that the guards turned their attention to the fighting pit, further disrespecting the man before them.
They were like this, the onis.
They disrespected everyone who they thaught was weaker then them.
The only way to have your way inside oni sociaity was violance.
Thankfully Dawn knew a little bit about that.
Dawn slowly breathed in and let it out.
He then took one step forward.
The moment his feet touched the ground a silent and invisible force ran through the enteritiy of the arena.
Every single being inside froze solid like statues.
Even those who were risking their life in the arena and the excited fans who could barely contain their excitement stopped mid motion with their smiles quickly turning upside down.
The guards who were so smug and arrogant before could not help, but shake from fear.
All of this came from one man.
He was the smallest in the room in terms of hight, but he was by far the most dangerous in the enterity of the oni settlement.
Then suddenly the pressure dissapeted.
And the onis regained control over their bodies once again.
The guards shakingly looked back at the human who stood before them.
Previously they saw him as nothing more then a fairly large nobody, but now?
They no longer saw him as a simple old human, but a predetor that could end their lifes in a matter of seaconds.
"I am going in." He decleared.
With that Dawn stepped inside the booth.