Clash (2)

Each blow shook the entier room to the very core, making rubble fall from the ceiling.

Any sane person would have already ran away, but the onis did not move an inch from where they stood.

To them, this fight was like cocaine to an addict.

It was only Erisha who moved, as she formed a bubble of darkness around herself to protect Cain from harm.

"HEY! Let me out you stupid elf!"

Erisha turned her head towards the source of those words.

It was Sharktear who unfortunately stood close enough to be engulfed in her spell.

"Didn't you hear what I said! I need see them in action!"

In the next moment Sharktear punched the inside of the barrier with such force that it made a crack on it.

"Calm down you mongrel and wait a seacond!"

She then put her hand on the barrier and created two head sized holes for them so see out of.

Thats when they saw two blurs leaving behind a trail of blood inside the arena.

A red and a blue one.

They zapped through the arena meeting blow with blow.

Each collision generated enough force to cause devastating damage to their surroundings just from the shockwaves alone.

The bettle was brutal with both fighters suffering devestating damage.

However in mere moments their bodies healed to peak condition, which allowed them to keep fighting.

Crushed bones became sturdier each time they melded together, torn muscles reattached in an instant becoming larger and stronger then before.

Ryuran could do nothing, but enjoy herself.

This was it!

The battle she has been waiting for.

Where she can punch, kick, tear, bite, headbutt and even strangle an opponent and they would keep coming at her.

To someone like her, a being born from pure bloodshed and carnage this was thegreatest moment in her life.

"Aaah, how beatifule." She said in her mind

"How can he be so beatifule? I can see it. His scars tell the tale of misery and pain, yet he stands! He was forged in the flames of war and granted the streanght to burn a thousend worlds. I can still smell it, his hidden power. This is not all of it. But that is okay, I've yet to go all out aswell!"

Suddenly Ryuran caught Dawn by his arm and threw him across the arena and in to the wall.

She then pounced at him like a wild animal.

Unexpectedly the moment she crashed in to him, Dawn delivered a precise blow to her neck.

This caused Ryuran to become stunned for a split seacond and allowed Dawn to grab the back of her neck and slam her face in to the wall.

He then followed that up with a kick to her knee from the side causing it to break.

Before she could fall, Dawn grabbed her by the throat and jumped in to the air.

He held Ryuran by her throath and crushed her windpipe using his grip.

As they descended Ryuran tried to escape Dawn's grasp by gouging his eyes out, but he did not relent and in the next moment along with a loud roar he smashed her in to the ground.

Immidietly Dawn raised his fist and tried to cave her face in, but due to his blindness and Ryuran's quick recovery she dodged the attack and responded with a blow of her own to his chin.

She then followed that up with a massive kick, sending Dawn a few meters back.

Both fighters breathed heavily as their wounds healed.

With each seacond that passed Dawn felt more and more frustrated.

He knew he could not go on much longer.

On the other hand Ryuran could not wipe the smile off of her face.

Suddenly she spread her arms and planted her feet.

This was clear provocation and Dawn has had enough as he came charging at her like a red bull of death.



Dawn collided with her causing sand and dust to rise in to the air.

But soon it was all cleared as their blows created shockwaves once they collided with each other.

"This is madness! How can they still keep going? They cannot be immortal! I saw Dawn struggle before!"

"No, you did not."

Erisha turned to the oni beside her with confusion on her face.

"No monster in the forest could stop a berserker. What you saw was probably him holding back just like a few minutes ago."

Erisha thought back to the moment Dawn suddenly grabbed Ryuran by her arm and delivered a devastating blow to her face.

He recovered even faster then the time Cain engulfed his body in fire.

She then thought back to the time she went to train alone at a frozen lake.

She was the last one on night watch.

She sat by her brother and gently played with his white hair.

However she heard a faint voice calling out to her.

She does not know why, but she felt she could trust it and followed it.

Dawn came to find her soon after, however he was suddenly taken over by a mysterious power, the one he is using now.

"A berserker? Is that title related to that red mist?"

Sharktear did not look at her, but he had disbelif written all over his face.

"If you don't know about them then you must have only recently came to Gaia. I will give you the short version and after the fight you can ask the rest from someone else."

Erisha nodded in response.

"Good, now where to even begin? You must know about the war with the demons right?."

"Yes, Dawn briefly mentioned it. A hundred year war was it?"

"Thats just a name, in reality it went on for 125 years. Originally humanity stood no chance against the demons. However that changed when the 7 generals appeared. They were the first 7 humans who could wield mana. Legends say they were born in the same year at the same exact day. But the one you should focus on is the 7th, the leader of the barbarian legion."


"Because the first ever berserker was the 7th general. It was he who uncovered the mysteryes of life energy and created one of the most powerful special task forces in the history of man, the berserkers."

Hearing the mention of life energy Erisha's eyes widened.

"How did he do it? Weren't they wielders of mana?"

"Originally yes, but each general chose a differant use for it. The 2nd created the way of magic. Those who walk on that path are traditional magicians who seek to uncover the mysteries of mana. On the other hand, the 3rd created the path of the machine, where one crosses technology with mana which allows them to make artifacts and tap in to technomagic."

Erisha was baffled hearing this.

Elfs always thought the human race would never be more then manaless monkies, playing amongst themselfs.

And while they gave them credit for using science and technology to overcome great obsticles, they paled in comperisant to the elfs magic.

That was why they sent their criminals here after all.

Elven criminals were rare and they were always from the younger generations who did not respect their traditions.

They sent them here as a show of mercy since they could not stay in elven sociaity.

The elves thought that they would rise and flourish amongst the humans.

That is what they thought atleast.

However her veiws on Gaia has changed drasticly in the couple of months they spent in this world.

The elves did not forsee a war with a differant realm after all, one that changed Earth as they called it so drasticly.

Suddenly a loud boom could be heard from the arena.

Erisha looked back to see Dawn on top of Ryuran.

He delivered blow after blow while Ryuran defended.

"Is this what you wanted!?" He screamed

Suddenly Ryuman caught his hand and pushed him off of her, only to jump on top of him.


She began to return the pounding Dawn gave her earlier.

But unlike her, Dawn's arms were not long enough to counter attack.

This continued until her blows slipped through his defenses and made contact with his face.

"Whats wrong kazamir!?" Asked Ryuran while laughing maniacally.

Many oni turned away from this fight.

No matter what, the matriarch had him pinned down.

He could do nothing.

Or so they thought.

Ryuran winded up her last punch.

Enforcing it with blue lightning far stronger then all of her attack until now.

Dawn's eyes widened as his mind raced.

What could he do to avoid this.

In his desparation Dawn grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it in Ryuran's face.

But to his shock she not only did not blink, but her wild smile grew larger.

She now knew Dawn was not hiding anything up his sleeve.



And she did.

The punch soared through the air and landed on Dawn's arms, immidietly crushing them and devastating his face.

A loud explosion occured and sand rised up once again, obscuring the spectators veiw.

Ghasps of shock and amazement filled the arena.

The onis faces were all that of excitement.

As the cloud settled, they saw their matriarch on top of the wandering berserker.

Her fist burried inside his bloody face.

His arms were crushed and his face was caved in.

Ryuran's smile compleatly dissspeared, in its place was a stoic expression.

But that stoic face was filled with the utmost respect for Dawn.

"You have fought a good fight. You've entertained me and my people far more then any other challanger has ever done. Your request will be granted, and the elfs will be under my protection, even tough you will not be there to see it."

Then once she was about to remove her fist it was suddenly grabbed by the half dead Dawn's shattered right hand.

In an instant the red mist flowing outside of Dawn's body increased exponentionally while his entier body began glowing with a bright red light.

Before the matriarch's very eyes his arms and his face compleatly healed in an instant as an.

This was no ordinary healing.

Every being capable of regeneration had limits on their healing.

"This is impossible! He should be dea-"

Then in a blink of an eye Dawn moved his hand and delivered a crushing blow to Ryuran's now extended elbow, breaking her arm.

There was now a sharp piece of bone sticking out of her arm.

"-huh?" The matriarch could not belive what played out before her eyes.

But Dawn did not give her the time to think or react as he pushed the sharp, pointy bone that stuck out of her arm in to her neck and beyond.

The hard bone easily pierced her neck and even severed her spine.


Ryuran could no longer breath as her throath was quickly filled with blood while her body went limp from the neck down.

At the same time Dawn could finally push her off and in to the sand.

Dawn immidietly rose up with what fleeting streanght he had left and jumped on top of the oni matriarch.

Ryuran did not even have the time to remove the bone piercing her neck when Dawn was already on top of her once again.

With his sudden burst of streanght he made an assult on her face.

"-GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Dawn screamed.


Each punch caused devestating damage as blood and teeth flew everywhere.

Then finally he began to slow down and then stopped.

He bent over the matriarch as he tried to steady his breathing.

This was all he had.

He gave it his all and even more then that.

He then heard it.

A faint beating inside her chest.

Her heart was still beating.

He got up and looked at the unconscious onis face.

It was bloodied all over, with most her teeth and two tusks missing.

Her eyes were way inside their sockets aswell.

Dawn then sighed.

He reached for the bone piercing her neck and removed it allowing the wound to heal, albeit very slowly.

He then got off of her and flipped her huge body on to her side.

Blood safely traveled out of her mouth and on to the sand.

With the blood not clotting her throath her regeneration speed increased.

The onis watching this event were baffled at the sudden development.

None had expected such a thing to happen.

On the other hand Erisha sighed in relif as she dropped down beside her little brother.

However the oni beside her was not so silent.

Sharktear roared in excitement as he began to stomp his feet aggressively.

Soon the rest of the onis followed him as the whole settlement was filled with loud cheers.

Dawn breathed heavily as the red mist coming out of his body slowly began to disappear.

He looked on to his glowing right arm.

The light was dimming by the seacond but it put the fear of god inside of him.

That last push against Ryuran was not his doing.

He was sure of it.

That soldier is no mere halucination.

In his long existance he has never encountered it.

What was it?

What is its purpose.

But those questions were not relavant at the moment as severe pain spread throughout his body.

The pain came from nowhere and felt like his nerves have been directly struck by lightning.

Dawn's body shook and his eyes turned back as he screamed.

The audiances faces quickly turned pale as they saw Dawn's twitching body.

The sound of ghasps filled the air.

"DA-!" Suddenly she shut her mouth.

She almost revailed his name in front of more then a hundred oni.

Nonetheless she picked her brother up and jumped in to the arena.

She then carefully placed Cain down and rushed to Dawn's side.

She touched his body causing Dawn to scream even more loudly as he slapped her hand away with such force that it almost broke her wrist.


Then before her very eyes he began to age rapidly.

It was like he lived through several decades in mere moments.

When it was finally over Dawn looked like he was in his 70s.

This transformation was not like before.

This time his body did not maintain his streanght and muscle.

His body was like an ordinary old mans now.

His heavy breathing filled the air as no soul dared to make a single sound.

-Haaa, huuu, haaaa.

His breathing was ragged and rusty as if he was thirsting for years.

His hair became long as it went down to his waist.

His beard grew out aswell going down too his chest.

His skin was roughened and dry like the very sand surrounding them.

His once strong body was now shrivled up like a dried up grape.

He looked at Erisha with his weak eyes.

"Bring me the vampires head!" Dawn said in a raspy voice.

Erisha then remembered the moment Ryuran lounged at Dawn inside the booth.

Before she caught him he hurriedly threw a bag towards her which contained Curt's still living head.

The head was unconcious and Erisha was occupied with Dawn's fight to care about him.

Heeding his command Erisha disappeared inside her shadow and reappeared next to the booth.

She quickly grabbed the bag and reappeared in her original location.

She untied it and gave it to Dawn.

Dawn put his hand inside the bag and pulled out the beaten vampires head.

Immidietly after, the red mist reappeared and surrounded the head.

Then suddenly its eyes opened wide while screaming in agony as Dawn sucked the life energy out of it.

With each passing seacond Dawn became younger and more healthier while Curt visibly aged.

Strangely Erisha found great pleasure in seeing Curt suffer.

A smile slowly grew on her face as she began to quitly laugh at him.

Dawn however stopped.

He did not regain his full power, but he did not want to risk Curt dying.

He still needed him.

With life returning to Dawn's body he reached for the bloody bag and put Curt back inside it.

Then he tried to stand up, but his legs were still shaking from the after effects of his power.

Just as he was about to fall back down again a large red hand grabbed him and supported his falling body.

"A being like you should never fall to the dirt like this!"

Said Sharktear with a wide grin on his face.

For a moment Dawn considered allowing him to help him, but in the end pushed his hands away.

"I am fine. Your matriarch is in worse condition."

The oni nodded.

He then went by Ryuran's side to check on her.

When he was about to touch her blue skin his hand was slapped away.

Ryuran has regained her conciousness.

She stood up and stretched her neck.

She then put her hand on a newly formed scar on her neck.

As she did, she remembered the feeling of her own bone in her neck.

Oh how wonderful it felt.

To be so close to death.

This battle pointed out one of the weaknesses of her regeneration.

That if she could not breath her healing drasticly slows, to the point where it stopped.

She then turned around and faced Dawn.

"Wow, no wonder you were hesitant to use your full streanght. Ya look like shit!"

Dawn only looked at her with a stern expression.

One that clearly meant that she should stop fucking around.

Ryuran sighed.

It was painful to move her jaw as it still did not heal.

"Haaa, a win is a win. You have pleased me with your body. I will grant whatever you ask of me."

She then carassed her breasts and made a seductive face.

"Even if it is me who you want~"

Erisha had a baffled expression on her face.

Just a moment ago she was trying to kill him, but now she was offering him sex?

Just what kind of a fucked up world did she and her brother end up in?