
In an unknown planet at an unknown time, within the confines of a seemingly modern home, a beautiful middle-aged woman in a flowing purple dress hummed a soft, melancholic tune as she carefully prepared a meal. This woman was Rasiel, and her face bore a bright smile, as if some great event had just occurred.

However, the serenity of the moment was shattered when a figure emerged, embracing Rasiel from behind. This intruder was none other than Chen Mo, an important presence in Rasiel's life, or at least used to be. Despite the unexpected intrusion, Rasiel did not seem surprised, her expression shifting to one of mild annoyance as she inquired, "What are you doing here?"

Chen Mo simply smiled at her, asking, "Am I not welcome?"

Rasiel relinquished her hold on the pan she had been tending, turning to face Chen Mo, who now held her in a warm embrace. Rasiel gazed directly into his eyes, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation as she asked, "What do you want?"