The house they were living in wasn't too big, outside the room there was a small hall, another room, a kitchen and one bathroom were connected to the small hall.
As Ron stepped out of the house, Kai finally got to see the outside world, there were more than a couple dozen other houses beside their own, and behind their colony was a very dense forest, that was just a few meters behind the houses and was separated by a wall made of stones.
' I wonder where this road will lead. ' Kai thought, looking at the only road that connected their small society to the outside world, on both sides of the road were big empty fields, that were probably used for farming.
A big fence was placed all around the society, probably to stop the wild animals from entering there, and there was nothing else of interest. Kai saw several people walking by, Ron would bring him to meet everyone he saw, and after some time he sat on the stone bench outside their house.
" Haa My Leo, I feel so bad that Emi can't come out of the house and go around with us, if only I could take her place. " Ron mumbled with slumped shoulders, Kai could understand some of his words and could feel his sadness.
" Anyway, tell me how do you like our society, isn't it great? " Ron asked with a smile, as he gazed at his son.
" Iaah uuubbb " [ It's average ] Kai replied, from some of Ron's words he could understand what he was asking.
" I don't know what you are saying, but I guess you like it. " He spoke before falling silent, both father and son just looked around at the murmurs of their neighbours and the sound of birds and animals.
" Leo look over there. " Ron said pointing towards a group of four women who were chatting among them, then he asked: " Which one do you like? "
" Uwaa eee " [ Seriously? ] Kai asked wondering why he was asking such a question to a small child, but then he added:
" iiia oouu " [ The red one. ]
Ron followed Kai's gaze, and laughed: " The red one? Haha, you sure have great taste in women, I guess you got that from me- "
" Ron, what kind of crap are you talking about? "
Ron's smile disappeared when he heard Emily's voice, he had forgotten that even though she is sick, she still had better senses than most people. He stood up and ran back into the house, as he began to explain.
" Uwaaaaaaaaah " Kai pretended to cry seeing Ron's pitiful expression, and Emily momentarily forgot about Ron as she took Kai into her arms.
Soon the night came, during the day Kai has once again activated his Soul Eye to look at his father and he found that he was a normal person, with no energy in his body.
' This energy seems completely different in nature from the Chi in my world, before I have some knowledge about it I won't try to absorb it. ' Kai thought as he tried to calm his mind.
Closing his eyes, he felt a slightly hot sensation in his eyes, then he opened his eyes suddenly and looked around. For a quarter of the second, he observed the energy present in the air and then he directed his gaze towards Emily.
He was amazed at how she was naturally absorbing this energy, it travelled in strange patterns inside her body, before dispersing towards several places, before he was forced to stop, Kai glanced towards her heart where all the energy seemed to be gathering but he couldn't see it clearly.
' ughhhhh I can't do it for more than a second, but still I was able to see more than yesterday... ' While thinking this he fell asleep.
For the next three months, Kai made it a part of his schedule to use Soul Eye twice daily, he would closely study the energy present in the air and how Emily absorbed and channelled this energy.
In the third month, he was able to use this ability three times in a day already, his curiosity towards this new energy was increasing every day. Now he could understand almost everything Emily and Ron spoke, and he even got to know some other people in the society.
Currently, he is five months old, Kai was lying with his eyes closed pretending to be asleep and even his breathing was perfect. When he felt that Emily is asleep, he opened his eyes, Ron wasn't at home since he had to go out in the morning because of some matters.
' It's finally time, I'm going to try it now. ' Kai thought, he had gotten a little familiar with this new energy but he still couldn't understand how Emily was able to handle it all.
Taking in a deep breath, he tried to feel the energy, seconds passed and became minutes, but even after several minutes, he didn't feel anything.
' I have to do it just like Mommy does. ' Thinking this, he imagined how energy was entering Emily's body and tried to replicate it, but yet again he failed.
' Damnit, there has to be a way. ' Keeping his eyes closed, he visualised the small particles of energy entering through all the pores of his body, he imagined being surrounded by these particles as they would then be slowly absorbed into his body.
Kai felt as if something was touching his skin all over, but there was a strange resistance present all across his body that stopped this energy from entering inside.